“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

November 22, 2018


The 1-st International export exhibition-fair of industrial goods “Made in Uzbekistan 2018” will take place on dates between november 27 and november 30, 2018 in pavilions №№3, 4, Atrium hall №2 and outdoors of  “Uzexpocenter” NEC JSS. It will organized by the Ministry of foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chamber of commerce and industry and “Uzexpocenter”  NEC JSS together with republican ministries, departments and organizations.

The aims and objectives of the exhibition-fair are to demonstrate the export-oriented industrial products of domestic enterprises, increase the country’s export potential and promote the competitiveness of domestic products, as well as establish sustainable and long-term cooperation with foreign partners.

The representatives of leading foreign companies – potential importers of domestic industrial products, experts and specialists of foreign economic activity plan to attend the exhibition-fair.

The exhibition-fair displays goods and products of all sectors of the economy: buses, cars, auto parts. household appliances, elevators, transformers, machine tools, bearings, panel house layout, windows, doors, building materials, plates and stone products, radiators, heaters, furniture, shelving, carpets, home textiles, leather and haberdashery products, fabrics, cosmetics, food, etc.

Among the exhibitors are such companies as LLC “ARTEL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT”, State Enterprise “Navoi MMC”, LLC “DSK BINOKOR”, JSC “Uznefteprodukt”, LLC “UZKIMYOIMPEKS”, JSC “Uzmetkombinat”, PE “SAM FERRE”, JV JSC “UZKABEL”, Chirchik Transformer Plant, LLC SPA “ELXOLDING”, JV LLC “BEKTEMIR METALL KONSTRUKSIYALARI”, Ozelectroapparat-Electroshield, FE LLC “Toshelectroapparat”, Small businesses’ and Private entrepreneurship’s  Export Promotion  Fund under National Bank of Uzbekistan,  JSC “Ozbekiston Temir Yollari”, Almalyk MMC, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan , JV LLC “JV MAN AUTO-UZBEKISTAN”, LLC “SAMAVTO”, JV “METAL-POLIMER TECHNOLOGIES”, LLC “UZTELMASH”, LLC “TOSHKENT LAK BO’YOQ ZAVODI”, LLC CCI “GAMMA COLOR SERVICE”, LLC  “UzKORAM “,  LLC “MASTER HOLOD “, LLC “ASU Trading Group “,  LLC “OSCAR FURNITURE”, LLC “DIGITAL GOODS”, LLC “GLOBAL TRADE”, LLC  “THE BEST PRODUCT “, JSC “Uzagrosanoatholding”, PE “BENCH”, Association “Uzcharmsanoat”, LLC “GOLD HOME TEX” and others.

Details on website: www.madeuz.mft.uz

Telephones for information: + (99871) 238-56-00/26/41.

E-mail: info@uzexpocentre.uz.


Welcome to the Exhibition-Fair “Made in Uzbekistan 2018”