In 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, which proclaimed 17 May as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. This day is a professional holiday of programmers, system administrators, Internet service providers, web designers, editors of Internet publications and all involved in the field of information technology.
The aim of the festival is promoting awareness about the benefits that can remove society from the use of the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICT).
Information technology significantly changed the face of our civilization. Their widespread use was a turning point in the global economy, resulting in a sharply increased quantity and quality of products, providing a new level of government and social services.
In recent years, Uzbekistan made a great breakthrough in this field. President Islam Karimov has repeatedly noted that as a critical part of the process of formation of bases of civil society deals with the liberalization of the media and the rapid development of information and communication industry.
A solid legal framework, in particular the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On electronic document circulation”, “On electronic commerce”, “On electronic digital signature”, “On Informatization”, “On postal communication”, “On telecommunications”, “On guarantees and freedom of access to information”, “On communication” and others serve as the basis of development of this field in the country. But the main achievement was the development of the Law “On Electronic government”.
In a short period, the Republic saw the establishment of an extensive system of communication, providing prompt and reliable telephone connection to any point of our country. The level of coverage with digital networks of telecommunications, cities in the Republic exceeded 86%. Further improvement of the information service is inextricably linked with a wide connection to the international system “Internet”. And in this direction in recent years, there have been dramatic changes.
Hereby, a web site of the Coordinating Council on development of computerization and information and communication technologies, which at the same time according to the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan is the highest coordinating body in this sphere, serves to involve all interested parties in the process of ICT development.
In addition, the Ministry for development of information technologies and communications has been designated as the special authorized body for state regulation in the field of communications and ICT. Its main tasks are the organization of performance of programs of development of communication and ICT, deepening of economic reforms in the field of communication and information, regulation development of the telecommunications infrastructure, the creation of a competitive environment, licensing and maintenance of certification in the field of communications and ICT.
At that, a Programme for the development of electronic commerce contributes to the formation and improvement of the favorable environment for the full development of e-commerce on the basis of efficiency of measures of its state support, uniting and coordinating efforts of state, public and private institutions, development of informational infrastructure of market of goods and services.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On State program on technical and technological transition to digital telecasting in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, work is underway on introduction of modern telecommunication technologies in the field of television. Transition to digital television broadcasting in our country is planned in two stages. The first stage was completed in 2015, and the second is scheduled for 2016-2017.
In line with the development of telecommunication infrastructure, work is ongoing on the introduction of modern ICT through the creation of information systems and resources that must be applied in telecommunication networks. Great importance in this process is given to the development of “Electronic government” system. Individual elements of this system, in particular the portals of a taxpayer, licensee and applicants, an automated electronic system of statistical reporting, the system e-Sud and others are operating successfully as of today.
More than 650 types of interactive and information services are provided via websites of public authorities that allow to send appeals or requests for receipt of various certificates and documents.
The number of domains in the zone “UZ” is now more than 27 thousand. The growth compared to the same period last year made up 30%. Today in Uzbekistan there are more than 10.2 million web users.
To attract foreign investment in the field of development of information systems and software products, measures are taken for establishment of joint ventures with leading foreign companies in the field of information technology, for example, with Korea’s LG CNS.
Summarizing the above, it is appropriate to emphasize that the strategy for the development of national information-communication system of Uzbekistan, that is carried out in all areas of ICT development, demonstrates a positive trend. The implementation of this strategy will ensure a wide implementation of information systems and software products for the automation of production and technological and administrative processes in activity of economic associations and enterprises of the country.