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May 15, 2014

A Festival of Beaux Arts

The Central Exhibition Hall of Uzbekistan’s Arts Academy has hosted a festival of fine arts in tribute to the Year of the Healthy Child.

Officials of corresponding ministries and agencies, artistic and social organizations, as well as educators, students and parents took part in the final awarding ceremony.

Chairman of the Academy of Arts A.Nuriddinov and others who spoke at the event said that the noble efforts being spearheaded under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to consistently promote music and fine arts – an important component in the intellectual and spiritual development of children and their education – have been yielding considerable effects.

A special significance is being attached to the early discovery of talents among the younger generation, to the close interaction in its gradual evolution and to the comprehensive support for gifted boys and girls. Schoolchildren have been successful in their participation in exhibitions of children’s arts, international artistic expositions, biennales, and art festivals. The scale of works on this front has been expanding as part of the State Program “Year of the Healthy Child”.

The festival has provided with an opportunity to get familiar with the creativity of artists and craftspeople working across the nation as much as the youth who have entered the world of beaux arts, along with the endeavors being marshaled to provide them with comprehensive support.

Exhibition of artists took place in the Central Exhibition Hall of Uzbekistan’s Academy of Arts and adjacent areas, while the Tashkent House of Photography hosted expositions of members of the sections at the Creative Association of Artists of Uzbekistan. The works presented in diverse schools and genres are indicative of the tremendous attention and care being paid in the name of our bright future, of the health of the younger generation and its education and upbringing.

Master classes of artists, sculptors, artisan maestros have enriched the knowledge base of the youth on fine arts, while the concert shows of children’s art groups demonstrated the interaction of music, poetry and painting. The festival included also a show of national apparel, presentation of new publications narrating the scientific foundations of the evolution of artistic education as well as beaux arts.

The exhibitions that were organized within the festival and dedicated to the Japanese culture, the display of works by the Azerbaijani sculptor Husayn Akhverdiev enriched the artistic project to a greater extent.

“I am pretty proud to have the works by young artists demonstrated at the exhibitions along with those of master artists,” says Zahiriddin Karimjonov, student of the Republican Specialized Boarding School of Arts. “At the festival, we drew the wall newspaper “Uzbekistan, a Land of Happy Children” together with my classmates. We realized that it is our duty to value and safeguard the beloved Motherland, all the conditions being created for children and youth, and deserve our great ancestors.”

The young artists active in the festival of fine arts have been awarded diplomas and gifts.
