In the Main Directorate of fire safety also brought positive results Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting devoted to the results of 2014.
As noted by the participants, thanks to the efforts of the officers of fire safety, the close interaction of the field offices, preventive work with the population, in the past year has been a significant decrease in the number of fires on the facilities of the national economy, as well as in the residential sector. This fact speaks eloquently that the work done has been fruitful.
The traditional month of fire safety also brought positive results, which was held throughout the country at the beginning of the autumn-winter period, during which, compared to the same period last year, the number of fires has decreased by 23.9 percent, while the number of victims of injuries decreased by 83.3 percent.
The meeting also stressed that the reforms aimed at radical improvement of the system of internal affairs, in particular, the fire service, call employees to the selfless work in the interests of the people and prosperity of the motherland. A special role in this is to train highly qualified professionals. Over the years, the walls VTSHPB prepared a lot of officers that can prevent and eliminate fires, to ensure the safety of people and property.
Within the event also hosted the awards ceremony of the thematic competition held within a month of fire safety MDFS of Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its winners in categories were: DFS of Pap DDIA of Namangan region, a division of UDP “gas-chemical complex Shurtan” Kashkadarya region, the military unit of fire safety, serving UDP “Bukhara Oil Refinery”, Department of reception, storage and distribution of petroleum products and operation of gas stations in the city Tashkent, Tashkent and Syrdarya region, LLC «UzGazOil», a meeting of citizens” Beruniy “in Ferghana, Khorezm region Hankinsky police department and a group of legal and technical expertise UPB ATC Andijan region.
Winners and awardees solemnly awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.