Dear friends!
It gives me an enormous satisfaction to welcome You in this beautiful and unique hall, express to all of You my sincere respect and congratulate on the 21st anniversary of adoption of the Constitution of the country which has stands as a solid foundation of building a new state and new society.
Today we have all grounds to state that the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted on December 8, 1992 became a major legal and legislative basis in building the independent democratic state with socially oriented market economy, establishing a civil society in the country where the human interests, rights and freedoms are becoming the principal values, and the rule of law is ensured.
We have also all grounds to assert that the principles and provisions, long-term objectives and tasks stipulated in the Constitution, as well as the rightly chosen and deeply thought-out Strategy of achieving the set goals have become a reliable and decisive factor which determined the radical changes and implementation of the vital socio-political, social, economic and humanitarian reforms, and ensured reaching by our country the horizons which we can be rightfully proud of.
Our life itself gives us all reasons to state about the rightness of the chosen model of reforms and modernization of the country which is widely known and recognized in the world as the «Uzbek model» which fully proceeds from the provisions stipulated in our Constitution.
The essence of this model, as it is well known, is focused in the five principles – deideologization of economy, ensuring rule of law, recognition of regulating role of state as a major reformer, implementation of a strong social policy taking into account the specific peculiarities of the country, as well as the step-by-step nature of the political and economic reforms.
I think today there is no a special need to prove to someone that implementation of the large-scale democratic, socio-economic, political and judicial-legal reforms can be successful only on the basis of consistency, gradual approach, continuity and evolutionary development.
The life itself proves time and again the unacceptability of artificial forcing the democratic processes. The path of revolutionary overturns and violent methods of asserting power, as we see, as a rule, well leads to counterproductive results.
The high frontiers which we have achieved in liberalization and democratization of society, ensuring sustainable and steady development of economy, growth of well-being and standards of life of the population and commendable position for the country on the international arena, first of all, are a result of the deeply thought-out reforms which correspond to the modern democratic requirements in terms of establishing the national statehood and political system based on the principles of checks and balances of separation of functions and power among legislative, executive and judicial branches of power, as well as providing priority of human interests, rights and freedoms, and generally recognized norms of international law.
It was of a principle significance the radical democratic and market transformations in the economy, creation of an unprecedented favorable conditions, benefits and preferences to develop small business and entrepreneurship and farming as a decisive form of the economy in the rural area, adoption of a considerable package of legislative acts to protect private ownership and proprietor rights, creation of exclusively reliable conditions and most favoring regime for foreign investors, constant improvement of the legal and legislative basis and necessary conditions for doing business.
I would like to underscore that in creating exclusively favorable and priority conditions for small business and private entrepreneurship, progressive development of private ownership we see not only the most important source for growth of economy, incomes and employment, but also in establishment of a middle class which now becomes a major buttress and driving force of democratic reforms.
Summarizing the aforesaid, I would like to once again reiterate the very important truth, i.e. the process of reforms, democratization and renewal of society is not a one-time and snap process but a persistently continuous one. This is a process which in the long run pursues the clearly understandable objectives supported by the population.
I am convinced that this is very factor in which we must see the most important conditions and guarantees to ensure success of deep reforms and democratic renewal and modernization of the country.
It is an open secret that proceeding from this understanding of the objectives and tasks of reforms in our society such mottoes as the «reform is not for the sake of reform but for a man» and «don’t destroy the old house until you build a new one» have enjoyed a broad popularity and support among our people.
Along with this, we fully comprehend that progressive movement of Uzbekistan on the path of implementation of the constitutional principles, the large-scale reforms and democratic transformations in terms of state building and socio-political, socio-economic and humanitarian spheres, and first of all, the radical review and renewal of the education system, dynamic growth of people’s living standards have dramatically changed the mentality of people and the image of our country, its place in the world community.
Some indicators of economic development for over the past 22 years of our independent development give us the most obvious evidence and concrete illustration of unprecedented changes taking place in the country.
During this period the economy of Uzbekistan has grown 4,1 times and per capita not less than 3 times. At the same time, we should keep in mind that during this period the population of Uzbekistan has grown to almost 9,7 million people and now makes up about 30,5 million people.
Despite the serious impact by the ongoing global financial and economic crisis, the annual GDP growth from 2008 to 2013 exceeded 8 percent. In 2014 the GDP growth is envisaged at the level of 8,1 percent. One can see such economic growth rates in few countries in the world.
During the years of independence the real gross incomes per capita have grown 8,2 times.
Uzbekistan ensures the balanced macroeconomic indicators and the surplus of annual state budget.
The external public debt of the country does not exceed 16 percent of the GDP. There is a zero-level of domestic debt. The exports and official reserves are on the rise.
During the years of independent development in the economy of the country we have drawn more than 162 billion of capital investments in dollar equivalent, and 56 billion dollars of them are the foreign investments.
In 2013 the volume of capital investments shall make up about 14 billion dollars in equivalent, or 23 percent of the GDP.
What do these facts speak about?
First of all, these are hundreds and thousands of new modern enterprises which manufacture products competitive in the world market. These are hundreds and thousands of kilometers of rail and motorways and infrastructure facilities. These are hundreds and thousands of square meters of housing, and finally, these are a radically changing image of our cities and villages, as well as the growth of well-being and living standards of our population.
These facts speak for the growing trust of the international community in the processes of reforms and modernization of the country. This is the belief in the future of Uzbekistan.
Today we can state with full confidence that during historically short period of time Uzbekistan has turned from a republic with one-sided economy based on raw with a destructive monopoly of cotton production to a dynamically developing country with rapidly growing modern industry.
The fact that the share of industry in the country’s GDP now makes up 24,3 percent against 14,2 percent in 1990 stands as a concrete confirmation of the above-said. At the same time, the share of agriculture in the GDP has decreased from 34 percent to 17 percent in 2013.
In the years of independence we have established such new branches as motor industry, consumer electronics industry, oil, gas and chemical industry, and pharmaceuticals. We have also completely modernized and reoriented the food and light industry, chemical and construction materials industries to manufacture the competitive high value added products, etc.
When we speak about such grandiose structural reforms in the economy and changes in our lives we cannot but say about extremely important and decisive changes taking place in mentality and way of thinking of people, their perception of life and results of their labor.
We see how man is changing, how his civil and political consciousness is enhancing, how his legal awareness is growing. We are getting rid of communist ideology and psychology of dependency, belief in leaders who think for us.
The new generation of cadres is confidently entering our life and taking the leading positions. This is an independently thinking young generation with modern knowledge and progressive vision, the youth free of prejudices and stereotypes of the past, and capable to take on a responsibility for the future of the country.
Without exaggeration I see in this factor the colossal opportunities and reserves which any country can be proud of.
What do these facts speak for?
First, these facts testify primarily about a confident move forward and development of modern democratic society in the country, reforms and steady growth of economy which provides the high growth rates of living standards of population and growing profile on the international arena.
The efficiency and effectiveness of the reforms underway now give us all grounds to say that Uzbekistan has all chances in the historically shortest period of time to join the ranks of the developed democratic states.
Second, the past period of our independent development fully confirms the rightness of evolutionary phased and gradual advancement towards strategic objectives and tasks stipulated in the Constitution with due consideration of historical and national peculiarities and mentality of our people.
Third, we also do realize that there could be modern Constitution and perfect Strategy of achieving the objectives set in the Constitution, but tell me, my dear friends, possessing all of this could we reach the results that we now have without our nation standing behind us.
It is only its courage and patience, persistency and steadfastness, only the heroic labor of our people that have allowed us to get to the horizons which all of us can rightfully be proud of.
From this high rostrum allow me to bow low to all of You and in your person to our entire nation.
Dear friends!
Summarizing the results of what was accomplished during the past period, it is extremely important, first of all, to avoid euphoria and self-complacency. We should not lose touch with reality. We ought to assess our place in the current world in a sober and self-critical way, and keep up with continuously growing requirements of the time and see our perspective.
The «Concept of further strengthening reforms and establishing civil society» adopted in November 2010 by the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan stood as a natural and logical continuation of democratic renewal and modernization underway in the country.
As a matter of fact, this is a long-term Program of the interrelated political and economic reforms, democratization and liberalization of the state system of power and governance, ensuring independence of judicial power, freedom of speech and information, freedom of choice and development of electoral system, establishing civil society in the conditions of globalization and rapidly changing modern world.
In the past period rather profound work has been accomplished on each of these priorities of deepening reforms. One can judge about this by discussions in the press and television, and laws adopted by our parliament.
In this respect, it is greatly important to further enhance the role of legislative power in the state and political system, expand its supervising functions and strengthen the judicial-legal system.
A number of amendments was introduced to the Main Law to further improve the activity of the parliament. The role of deputy associations and fractions of political parties was upgraded at all stages of scrutinizing and passing laws and normative acts.
Today not a single legislative act is passed without consideration of opinions and proposals of fractions (deputy groups).
In accordance with the Concept, we have carried out a consistent work to further reform the judicial-legal system, strengthen independence of courts as the most important component of establishing and democratizing society, ensuring rule of law, reliable protection of human rights and freedoms.
First of all, we have fully abolished the supervisory functions of prosecutor bodies over judicial power. Now the prosecutor bodies no longer have a right to suspend the execution of court decisions.
We implement the legislative acts aimed at expanding the use of the Habeas corpus institution to strengthen the judicial control in criminal process, improve the system and mechanisms of ensuring competition between defense and prosecution.
From criminal-procedural legislation we have excluded the powers of court to instigate a criminal case and announce indictments on it. We have also enhanced the judicial control over investigation at the stage of pretrial proceedings. The application of such measures of procedural compulsion as removing from a post and placement of a person in medical institution has been relegated to courts.
The adopted legislative acts provide the clear grounds to carry out the operational search activities. There are real legal guarantees of observing law, ensuring the human rights and freedoms and preventing administrative arbitrariness.
The adoption of the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on radical improvement of social protection of judicial system employees and on organizational measures on improvement and raising efficiency of district and city courts of general jurisdiction was important in strengthening authority of judicial power and establishing an effective system of selection and placement of judicial cadres that meet modern democratic requirements.
The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to further improve the system of training judicial cadres adopted in June 2013 is aimed at enhancing the efficacy of the system of training and retraining of judicial cadres. According to it, the Tashkent State Institute of Law was reorganized to the Tashkent State University of Law and this laid the foundations for radical reforms and streamlining the judicial education system.
We need to specially emphasize the implementation of the large-scale programs on development of civil society institutions: non-state, non-profit organizations, free and independent mass media.
Today the NGOs are becoming an important factor in protecting democratic values, rights, freedoms and lawful interests of people, realizing by citizens of their potential, raising their social and economic activeness and legal awareness, and facilitate maintaining balance of interests in society.
At present, the number of NGOs functioning in Uzbekistan has exceeded 6 thousand. The volume of grants allocated by the Public fund to support NGOs and other civil society institutions at the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan has grown twofold for over the last three years.
Nowadays the NGOs are widely involved in implementation of the programs on tackling the urgent problems in the spheres of healthcare, environmental protection, employment and social support of vulnerable strata of population, as well as engaged in lawmaking process. There are public discussions of draft laws elaborated in the framework of the Concept and other legislative acts which are of a great social importance.
Thanks to the measures carried out in the framework of the Concept the domestic mass media are becoming more and more active participants of the reforms underway in the country.
The active participation of civil society institutions and the mass media in the legal experiment on approbation of the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On transparency of activity of bodies of state power and governance» which is underway for over a year in Bukhara and Samarkand regions stands as a striking evidence of the aforesaid.
Summarizing the said, I would like to especially emphasize that at the modern stage it is important to establish an integral system of ensuring parliamentary and public control over the executive branch of power, strengthening its normative and legal basis and speeding up of adoption of appropriate legislative acts.
In this context, it is necessary to provide the soonest adoption of such draft laws being scrutinized today as «On social partnership» and «On public control in the Republic of Uzbekistan».
For these purposes it is also of a great importance the soonest adoption of the draft laws «On economic foundations of mass media» and «On guarantees of state support of mass media», and others.
Taking this opportunity, I consider it necessary to dwell on yet another issue.
Further deepening reforms based on the experience of the countries with developed democracy and the logics of political and constitutional development of Uzbekistan dictate the need to raise the role and importance of representative deputy bodies, and in short, reinforce their real capabilities in the life of our society.
In this respect, it is on the top of the agenda to further expand the role of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the system of bodies of state governance and enhance their supervising functions over the activity of the Cabinet of Ministers and executive bodies, as well as their rights and authorities in implementing the strategic goals of domestic and foreign policies with introduction of relevant amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Along with this, our life also puts on the agenda the issues of increasing responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers, and in the first instance, the local khokimiyats and systematic hearing of their reports before local Kengashes (councils).
These alterations and amendments in the long run pursue our most important goal to further democratize the system of power and governance in the country and provide step-by-step implementation of the principle «from a strong state to a strong civil society».
Dear compatriots!
The radical enhancement of the role of political parties in defining the concrete priorities of socio-political and economic development and their participation in tackling the strategic tasks of reforms and modernization of the country must become the most important factor of progressive democratic changes.
The experience of developed democracies in the modern world proves that in the first instance strengthening the multiparty system and competition among political parties stands as one of the crucial conditions on which the parliamentary traditions are built, when as a result of free and fair elections the major political forces and social layers of a country’s population are represented in parliament.
I think there is no need to say that we mean the political parties which have their charter and action plan built on their own vision of addressing the problems of society.
In other words, firstly we refer to a political party that has its electorate and which gained authority among voters with its clear-cut and firm position on the key issues of state and social construction, domestic and foreign policies of the country and ability to strongly defense the interests of those who vote in favor of this party at elections.
These issues are acquiring a special urgency in the context of general elections to the Oliy Majlis and local representative bodies of power envisaged in December 2014.
Summarizing the said, I think today it is appropriate to once again refer to the preamble of our Constitution «The people of Uzbekistan, solemnly declaring their adherence to human rights and principles of state sovereignty, being aware of their ultimate responsibility to the present and the future generations, affirming their commitment to the ideals of democracy and social justice, aspiring to a worthy life for the citizens of the republic, setting forth the task of creating a humane and democratic law-governed state adopt in the person of their plenipotentiary representatives the present Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan».
Addressing to all of You present today in this hall and in Your person to entire our nation I would like to say the following: everything accomplished during the last years and everything we are planning to accomplish in the future give us all grounds to state that – we will not step back from the chosen road and everything envisaged in our Constitution will be unconditionally put in practice.
Dear compatriots!
With a view of elevating our efforts to a new and higher level in terms of ensuring comprehensive progress and prosperity of our Homeland we announced the year 2013 in our country as the “Year of Prosperous Life”, which was welcomed by our nation with profound pleasure.
Throughout the year all strengths and capabilities of our state and society have been channeled to that purpose. The enormous work was accomplished in our country, and we can say that it has contributed much to resolving many issues and problems.
This year we have consistently continued our work on addressing the issues, which do serve as a major condition of a prosperous life, as increasing the real incomes of population, further developing small business, private entrepreneurship and farming, as well as creating new jobs and resolving social issues.
I think you are well aware that each year while adopting our state budget we pay a special attention to developing the social sphere.
In 2013 60 percent of total expenditures of our budget were channeled to this sphere. This accounts for 1 trillion soums more in comparison with the year 2012.
Today, when we speak about how the living standards of our people are increasing, I want to draw your attention to some very obvious indicators.
At the moment every third family in our country owns an automobile. On average every 100 family in Uzbekistan owns 80 refrigerators and 146 television sets.
And this testifies that some families own two or three television sets. Along with this, the level of people’s access to washing machines, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, personal computers and other necessary appliances is on the rise.
The number of mobile phone users in our country makes up 19 million people. This means that each family owns on average 3 mobile phones. Besides, the number of Internet subscribers in Uzbekistan has grown by 18,3 percent in comparison with last year and now makes up 7 million 100 thousand people.
Certainly, these figures testify to the fact that in the last years not only the living standards of our population, but, first of all, the quality of our life has steadily been increasing.
We should underscore that in 2013 alone the consumer credits of almost 68 billion soums were allocated to the rural population to procure the home appliances; more than 346 billion soums of mortgage credits were given to young families to construct their own housing and cover other related needs. This means we have allocated 10 percent more mortgage credits to them in comparison with last year.
This year more than 970 thousand new jobs have been created which we consider extremely important for us in terms of ensuring employment, and 60 percent of them have been created in the rural area. Most importantly, we have employed more than 500 thousand of young graduates of vocational colleges, and this is one of our profound achievements.
I want to dwell upon yet another priority issue, i.e. the activity in the sphere of public health, improving and raising efficiency of the healthcare system and enhancing the prophylaxis works.
Seven million fertile age women and 7 million 300 thousand children have gone through medical examination, 195 thousand lone elderly, disabled people and pensioners received a professional medical care.
During this year 146 modern medical facilities have been commissioned in our country at the expense of budget funds totaling 311 billion soums.
In particular, the new treatment block, diagnostics unit and children’s disease sanatorium were built at the Andijan regional multi-field medical center. The medical association in Chirakchi district of Kashkadarya region, the multi-field medical center for children and adults in Surkhandarya region, medical associations in Uzbekistan and Koshtepa districts of Ferghana region and tens of other hospitals were completely reconstructed.
Along with this, the new surgery units have been commissioned at the Tashkent city Pediatric Medical Institute Clinic and Republican Pediatric Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center.
In 2013 alone, more than 4 thousand patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases were treated at the cardiosurgery unit of the Republican Specialized Surgery Center and other similar hospitals.
In Namangan and Urgench cities such new methods of treatment as replacing the heart valves, congenital and acquired heart diseases surgery, implantation of electric heart pacemaker and echocardiography have been introduced. In the cities of Nukus, Karshi, Ferghana, Samarkand, Bukhara and Jizzakh the practice of continuous monitoring of heart’s functioning is broadly applied.
Also, in Urgench, Nukus, Andijan, Samarkand cities the work is carried out on diagnosing and treating various eye diseases on the basis of computer technologies using laser and ultrasound.
Taking this opportunity, I consider it both my duty and obligation on behalf of all of us to express gratitude to our doctors who are applying in practice the newest methods of diagnostics and treatment, and introducing the cutting-edge technologies and techniques, as well as demonstrating high skills and selflessness in treating our people.
A lot of efforts have been made to raise education and training system to a new level.
In 2013 756 educational institutions, musical and arts schools, as well as children’s sports facilities have been built, reconstructed and overhauled in our country. Modern computer classes, school laboratories, workshops were established and provided with necessary tools and equipment.
It is a well-known fact that starting from this year, within the program on further enhancing the system of foreign language teaching, an in-depth studying of foreign languages in our country has been introduced from the 1st grade of secondary schools. This, certainly, is especially important since it opens new opportunities to our children to master the achievements of global science and culture, grow up as comprehensively developed and highly skilled cadres.
This year nearly 300 thousand children, in particular, 4 thousand 500 schoolchildren from the Aral Sea region, as well as 75 thousand children from low-income families were taken to summer resorts on a privileged basis where their health was improved.
We can see the natural result and outcome of such practical work, which is progressing year to year, in the accomplishments achieved by our compatriots, above all, by our beloved children in various spheres.
If we dwell upon some examples in this regard, all of us are happy with the fact that our schoolchildren took the first place at the 47th International Mendeleyev Olympiad in Tashkent.
We can take the example of an 8 year-old Nodirbek Abdusattarov who became a world champion at chess – a competition of wit and intellect, or a 5 year-old, pay attention, a 5 year-old our wonder kid Islombek Sindorov who became an Asian champion. My dear friends, we cannot help but be proud of such successes, can we?
And recently at the world championship in Poland our yet another proficient sportsman Ruslan Nuriddinov secured a victory in fierce competition at the hardest type of sports – the weightlifting. You are aware that this mighty young man was awarded a high title of «O’zbekiston iftikhori» («Pride of Uzbekistan»).
Our children who glorify the Homeland around the world and whose number is continuously increasing, certainly, deserve our comprehensive support and esteem.
Building new housings secures a special place in our extensive work carried out in the year named as the «Year of Prosperous Life».
Speaking of this, we should note that 10 thousand standard design new housings were built in 147 districts, as well as long-term and soft loans in the amount of 1 trillion 400 billion soums were allocated for that purpose to population.
These our works draw a keen interest not only in neighboring areas, but in the world community as well. You are certainly well aware that the representatives of the world’s leading countries and high-profile organizations, who participated in the international forums on this very topic in April, as well as on the use of solar energy in November this year in Tashkent visited such housing and infrastructure facilities and highly praised these works.
Taking this opportunity, it would be very expedient to express much gratitude on behalf of our nation to our builders, who are constructing these beautiful and cozy houses, and such international financial institutions as the Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank who have been supporting us in this endeavor.
Dear friends!
At the moment, our Uzbekistan, literally speaking, has turned into a vast construction site. In particular, with the purpose of developing the centers of regions in accordance with the master plan the large projects are being implemented.
For example, we should note that in 2013 alone the construction and improvement works worth 344 billion soums have been carried out in the city of Urgench. Such large-scale works are also being continued in the cities of Karshi, Ferghana, Namangan, Nukus, Jizzakh, Shakhrisabz, Gulistan and all other regions and districts of our country.
There is yet another major priority – providing the population with potable water through centralized water pipelines. This year 1 thousand 850 kilometers of water pipelines were laid at the expense of 213 billion soums allowing to better the water supply to 1 million 370 thousand people.
Along with this, 8 large investment projects worth 96 million dollars are being implemented with these purposes in Andijan, Bukhara, Navoi, Surkhandarya and Ferghana regions, and the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Termez and Kokand. This allows to improve the potable water supply to 365 thousand people and enhance the water sewage system.
Throughout the year the enormous works were carried out to build and reconstruct the motorways and develop the transport infrastructure.
At a 530 kilometer-long section of the Uzbek National Motor Highway the construction and reconstruction works were undertaken. Apart from this, the domestic motorways of more than 890 kilometers which connect the rural destinations with one another and roads of cities and townships of more than 200 kilometers were reconstructed.
At present, along with constructing the broad and smooth roads in our country much work is being accomplished to improve transport services for passengers.
Along with the locally made and eye-pleasing buses and automobiles, the modern Mercedes buses are running along our dear capital city of Tashkent and other towns. It won’t be a mistake to say that any person cannot but be impressed seeing this picture which completely changes the look of our streets and squares.
In this respect, I want to especially draw your attention to the following figure. The fact that we have channeled the funds of more than 3 billion dollars of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank along with domestic investments to implement the aforementioned tasks speaks about a lot.
In the framework of the Program proceeding from the task of improving makhalla (neighborhood community area), which is the main component of our society, we have enhanced the self-governance system and paid a profound attention to strengthening the socio-economic role and influence of makhalla in our life.
First of all, with such an objective the two important laws were adopted. In particular, the new edition of the Law «On self-governance bodies of citizens» broadens authorities and tasks in terms of improving the organizational foundations of the activity of this structure and social protection of the population.
You are well aware that at the moment the nationwide elections of the chairperson of citizens’ congregation (aksakal) and his advisers. It is especially worth noting that these elections are conducted based on this law adopted in its new edition.
This year the large-scale works have been accomplished to establish the new guzars (the neighborhood congregational venues), vending and public service stations, children’s and sports grounds in makhalla areas as well as reconstruct the inner roads and pavements, and better the multi-storied building vicinities.
Dear compatriots!
All of us are well aware that prosperous life cannot be imagined without an active participation in family and society of our esteemed women who are our care, comfort and angels.
Usually, we speak a lot about recognizing a profound contribution made by our sisters to the development of various spheres, raising their place and role in our life, enhancing both their political and social prestige and alleviating their burden. However, I want to pay attention yet to another side of this issue.
When a family will be happy? When a woman is happy.
When a woman will be happy? Above all, she will be happy if her children, family members and her husband are safe and sound.
When a woman will be pleased with life? When her family is tranquil, when her household is prosperous and when she is confident in tomorrow.
There are at first sight unnoticeable but important daily household chores – laundry or cooking, upbringing children or keeping house clean and tidy. And it is only a woman who can deal well with all of the aforementioned.
All of us do know that life is not an easy journey. However, a woman will be pleased with life if there are less problems and troubles.
As our economy gets stronger and our capabilities are expanding, we are paying greater attention to alleviating the burden of our women. In particular, this year we have accomplished a lot along this way.
The following fact stands as an example to the aforesaid: the local enterprises manufactured about 310 thousand kitchen and home appliances and those items worth of 130 million soums were delivered for free to the needy families.
At the same time, the new public service stations, bakeries, confectionary workshops, small markets, shops, children’s playing grounds, family recreation facilities and beauty salons were established in the makhallas and residential areas.
We will certainly continue such activities aimed at creating comfortable conditions to our women and for this purpose we will find both the funds and opportunities.
As an obvious confirmation of the aforesaid we should note that in 2013 the commercial banks have allocated 117 billion soums of credit funds to actively involve women to and support them in entrepreneurship. We should especially note that in its turn this allows many women to launch their own business and in this way benefit both their families and our nation, and find their due place in life.
Dear friends!
Certainly, we can speak a lot about the work that we have accomplished in the «Year of Prosperous Life». In this respect I deem it necessary to draw your attention only to the following figure.
The fact that at the expense of all sources more than 6 trillion 930 billion soums and 471 million dollars have been spent in the framework of this program vividly testifies about enormous scale and large scope of the accomplished work.
Taking this opportunity, on behalf of myself and our nation, I express a sincere gratitude to the state and non-state organizations, farming and entrepreneurship entities of our country who have contributed to such a noble cause, to foreign and international structures, ambassadors of foreign countries and representatives of diplomatic missions present in this hall who have helped us, as well as all those who have diligently labored in this virtuous path.
Dear participants of the meeting!
Now we should discuss and exchange opinions with you on how to name the upcoming new year of 2014.
From the ancient times each and every parent aspires their child to be healthy and harmoniously developed, smart, intelligent and happy. It would be very true to say that it is the greatest and most sacred dream of parents to bring up such a child and ensure a due place for him in life.
When we say healthy we understand not only a physically but also a spiritually sound child.
You are well aware that starting from the early years of our independence the issue of ‘healthy mother – healthy child’ was put on the top of agenda of state policy and our profound activities accomplished in the framework of the large-scale nationwide programs have been well recognized in the world.
Along with this today’s vibrant time and the life itself puts forward the new, very important and urgent tasks in terms of upbringing the younger generation.
Taking into consideration the aforementioned, with a goal of consistently continuing and enhancing our work on upbringing comprehensively healthy generation, I propose to announce the new year of 2014 as “The Year of a Healthy Child” in our country.
Dear compatriots!
All of us well understand that birth of a healthy child and his strong and sound growth depend on many requirements and factors. However, there are very important and decisive criteria among them that I consider necessary to especially dwell upon.
First, a healthy child is, above all, a product of a healthy and harmonious family. We accept a family as a nurturing place which provides a continuity of life and is capable to yield a strong influence on the fate of future generations. Such noble qualities as respecting the elderly and honoring the young, humaneness, mercy and kindness, loyalty to Homeland and the nation are established in a family climate.
It is natural that birth of a healthy child, firstly, depends on the health of a mother. The mother-to-be for over a span of nine months cares and nurtures her beloved one given by God and delivers it to the world. Along this process the experience of a woman and her spiritual state, certainly, influences her foetus.
It is a duty of a man and our entire society to honor a woman, release her from hard work and safeguard from various diseases. In order to avoid this truth to turn into an empty word all of us ought to feel responsibility and put it into our practice.
While drafting the State program «The Year of a Healthy Child» we should put in the focus of our attention, first of all, such issues as protecting motherhood and childhood, promoting a healthy atmosphere in families and reinforcing their economic and moral foundations.
Second, all of us are well aware that there is a profound role, influence and responsibility of the healthcare system in upbringing a healthy child.
The program must envisage enhancement of our works in terms of strengthening the logistical basis of mother and child care medical facilities: screening and prenatal centers, maternity welfare centers and maternity hospitals, gynecology and patronage services, rural medical stations, and supplying them with the latest equipment and providing the with skilled cadres.
Taking into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization, we should further raise the efficiency of our efforts aimed at ensuring timely and quality nutrition of pregnant women and infants, manufacturing special polyvitamins and products enriched with necessary microelements, constant medical examination of children and protecting them from various diseases.
All of us well understand that the medical awareness of population and, especially, the parents is very important in nurturing a healthy child. Therefore, in drafting the program it will be expedient to pay a special attention to the large-scale propaganda to raise the medical awareness.
It is well-known that the practice of pre-marriage medical examination of the newlyweds was introduced in Uzbekistan with a main goal to establish a healthy family and deliver a healthy child.
However, unfortunately we must be concerned of irresponsible practices related to the life of a human being and fate of an expected child, issuing false and superficial findings, and buying off the medical reports. I think that it is a high time to raise a responsibility and accountability of medical personnel in these matters, i.e. for the birth of healthy and flawless children.
Third, the role and impact of education and sports should be further promoted in upbringing a healthy child.
In the program a special attention should be paid to expanding the system of pre-school educational institutions, supplying them with contemporary equipment, high-skilled pedagogues and enhancing the quality of pre-school training of children.
The period of elementary school is a core period in physical and psychological development of a child. All of us well know that, unfortunately, during the Soviet regime this issue lacked a sufficient attention. It was the teachers with mainly a secondary special education who were involved in teaching at elementary classes.
Taking into consideration the role and significance of elementary education in the life of young generation, we have abolished such an unacceptable system and today this task is entrusted to pedagogue cadres with a higher education and high professional skills.
The program must envisage such issues as increasing the quality of elementary education, improving the educational standards, curricula and textbooks, and broadly introducing advanced teaching, information and communication technologies.
Proceeding from the goals and objectives of «The Year of a Healthy Child», we ought to implement the clear-cut measures in terms of nurturing in our children, especially girls, a love in physical culture and sports, and propagating among them a healthy lifestyle.
Fourth, all of us are well aware that upbringing our children and the new generation in a healthy and harmonious way, no doubt, must remain in the focus of attention of our state and society and turn into a priority direction of our policy.
For this purpose, there is a profound role of the state to develop all the spheres and processes related to this task and upgrade them to a modern level.
Taking this into account, certainly, it is obvious that in the framework of the program «The Year of a Healthy Child» we need to further strengthen our attention to the following issues: drafting the annual plans; distributing the funds to tackle problems in various spheres and branches, especially, in the social sphere; and creating the appropriate modern conditions.
Along with this, it is especially important to learn the best practices of the developed states of the world in this issue and put them into practice in our country.
Fifth, I think it is no need to overly speak about a profound role and influence of makhalla and social structures in upbringing a healthy child. Certainly, there is a deep meaning in the proverb of our people: «It takes seven makhallas to bring up a child».
From this point of view, the responsibility of makhalla aksakals, advisers on religion, enlightenment and spiritual upbringing, and makhalla posbons (neighborhood safety watchmen) will ever increase in consolidating the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, mutual respect and accord, vigilance and awareness in the life of our society.
Especially, we lean upon the experienced makhalla activists in tackling such issues as upbringing girls, helping them to master contemporary knowledge and skills, preventing early marriages and family conflicts, holding the traditional ceremonies in a modest and organized manner.
We ought to promote the activity of makhalla and relegate them the new authorities and opportunities in terms of involving our children in various education circles, rendering material and spiritual relief to the low-income families, developing the local entrepreneurship and other issues.
It goes without saying that implementation of these priority tasks requires further improvement of the current normative and legal basis.
Dear compatriots!
Speaking about the main goals and objectives of «The Year of a Healthy Child», I think it is worthwhile to once again recall the following wisdom widely known among our nation which goes as follows: «The country with healthy children will be strong, and the children of a strong country will be healthy».
If I am asked about the major factors in our new history of twenty-two years of independence that allowed us to build our national statehood and our future, protect our country from various evils and vices, join the ranks of developed democratic states and find a high prestige on the world arena, I would say the following: without denying other factors the most important factor along this way is our comprehensively developed, both physically and spiritually healthy generation inferior to no one, the generation which is proud and capable to take on a responsibility for the fate and future of our Homeland, and build a great state with a future aspired by our nation.
Our people deeply comprehend this truth. They broadly support this truth feeling it with their hearts and souls, and today this gives its outcome and results. And the entire world is recognizing this and looking at us with admiration.
We consider our belief and respect towards our children, who are our support and buttress, pride and honor as a reflection of confidence in our future and respect to our nation and people.
I believe that all our today’s plans and tasks in the framework of the program of «The Year of a Healthy Child» will serve these very noble purposes.
My dear compatriots, I once again congratulate you on the Constitution Day and wish all of you a sound health, all blessings and plenty to your homes.