All political parties discussed the issue of candidature for the Presidential elections

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January 17, 2015

All political parties discussed the issue of candidature for the Presidential elections

17politics_partyA regular session of the Political Council of the Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan (UzLiDeP) was held on January 15, 2015.

In the course of the session it was noted that recently held elections were organized in full compliance with the requirements of the Constitution and the electoral laws of the country, internationally recognized standards, on the basis of a truly democratic principles of openness, transparency, alternatives, and most important, the multi-party system.

According to the election results, UzLiDeP in the lower house of Parliament won 52 seats, in the regional councils of people’s deputies – 305 (38%), district (city) councils – 1805 (35%) of the parliamentary seats, formed its own faction in the Parliament, all representative bodies have their parliamentary groups.

The meeting considered the issue of developing and implementing a complex action plan to ensure full implementation of the tasks outlined in the party’s Election program.

The meeting also discussed the issue of participation of UzLiDeP in the upcoming 29 March elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was noted that this process is of importance in the political life of the country, and UzLiDeP will actively participate on it. It is planned that these issues will be implemented in full accordance with the laws of the country, in particular, of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Law “On elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

The meeting participants also discussed the issue of candidature from the Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – liberal democratic party in this election.

In this issue, the participants based on the will of the voters and the electorate, unanimously supported the nomination of Islam Abduganievich Karimov.

Over the years, under the guidance of the President, carried out large-scale reforms in all spheres of society. Their results today are recognized worldwide. Such positive changes dramatically illustrated by the fact that over the years, the economy has grown almost 5 times, the growth of per capita has increased 3.7 times, the personal income per capita grew at 8.7 times.

Despite the ongoing global economic crisis, the economy of Uzbekistan is developing dynamically and in recent years has increased by 8 percent, and most important, in our country there is peace and tranquility that is the result of activities carried out under the supervision of the head of our state’s large-scale work.

In this regard, the Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan considers necessity the continuation and logical development of the initiated reforms.

On this issue, it was decided to nominate from the party of a candidate Islam Abduganievich Karimov at the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Based on the fact that issues relating to the participation of the party in this election will decide its highest body, the Congress, the participants were scheduled to hold the next party congress on February 6, 2015.

The political Council of the UzLiDeP also took the appropriate decision to delivery within stipulated in the electoral law of the country in terms of the Central Election Commission documents on the participation of parties in elections, and also about holding on areas of regional, district and municipal conferences of the party to prepare for the Congress of UzLiDeP.


political_parties1The II plenary session of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan took place on January 15, 2015.

It was attended by members of the Central Council of the PDPU, officials, members of the party in the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of the territorial councils of the party, party activists and media representatives.

The agenda of the plenary session included issues about the tasks to ensure adequate participation of the party in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan; the nomination of a candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the PDPU; on the organization of the collection of signatures in support of a candidate; the convocation of the IX Congress of the PDPU  and its agenda; the standard of representation and the election of delegates of the Congress.

The Chairman of the Central Council of the PDPU Hatamjon Ketmanov made a speech at the Plenary session.

The party leader Hatamojn Kemtanov drew particular attention to the objectives of ensuring adequate participation of the party in the election of the current year, based on the interests of the electorate, program goals and ideas of the party with full use of the equal rights and opportunities created for political parties in the result of democratic reforms.

In particular, recommendations were given on such important issues as the provision of all polling stations with the election agenda of the candidate and provided by law other literature, establishing the active participation of party organizations during the election campaign period, especially paying attention to quality, effectiveness of promotional activities aimed at raising public awareness about such an important political processes in our country, the selection of the authorized representatives, observers and authorized persons.

The meeting also discussed another issue of the agenda – the nomination of a candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the PDPU.

In this regard, the Party proposed to nominate a candidate Hatamjon Ketmanov to the post of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, supported by voters, supporters and activists of the party.

The participants paid special attention to the issue of the organization of the collection of signatures of voters supporting the participation of the party in the elections. Opinions were expressed concerning the organization of joint activity of the party organizations and parliamentary groups in this process, the full observance of requirements of legislation in this direction.

The Plenum comprehensively discussed issues about the convocation of the IX Congress of the Party and its agenda, as well as about the standard of representation and the election of delegates of the Congress.


political_parties2The Central Council of the Democratic party of Uzbekistan (DPU) “Milliy Tiklanish” held its regular Plenum on January 16, 2015 in Tashkent.

It was attended by members of the Central Council of the DPU, the party faction in the Legislative chamber, the party groups in the local councils of people’s deputies, party activists and the media.

The Plenum discussed the participation of the DPU in the upcoming presidential elections, putting forward its candidate, and convening of the next Congress of the party.

At the Plenum it was noted that the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan announced the beginning of the electoral campaign for the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 26, 2014. Additionally, the program of major activities for the preparation and conduct of elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved.

The Charter of the DPU defined the participation of the party in the presidential elections. In this regard the session adopted the decision on the participation of parties in elections.

On the basis of expressed by participants opinions and suggestions, nominating the member of the parliamentary faction of the DPU Akmal Kholmatovich to the post of the President of Uzbekistan was considered.

In accordance with the current electoral legislation, the party Congress carries out the nomination of a candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At that it was decided to convene the annual fourth party of Congress on February 7 of the current year and to discuss this issue.

Relevant decisions were made on all discussed issues at the end of the Plenum.


political_parties3The second plenary session of the Political Council of the Social-Democratic party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” was held on January 16, 2015. It was attended by members of the Political Council, the Central auditing Commission, the faction in the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis, veterans and activists of the party, deputies of local councils and the media.

The first issue, discussed at the meeting was participation of the SDPU at presidential elections.

As was stressed by participants, based on the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 26, 2014 – 29 March was declared as a day for elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Political parties, according to article 24 of the Law “On elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan” has the right to put forward their candidate at the elections.

The Plenary participants in depth discussed the issue of adequate participation of the SDPU in the elections.

It was noted that participation in the elections is a kind of school of hardening in the political arena of the country, experience, and together with that, entering a political competition with other political parties in a multiparty environment.

During the discussion, the participants of the plenary session discussed the issues of strengthening the purpose of the preparatory work for the presidential elections, timely submission of relevant documents to the Central Electoral Commission, and the convocation of the Supreme body of the party – Kurultay.

Upon completion of the discussions, based on the achievement of program goals and objectives the SDPU “Adolat” deemed appropriate the participation of the party in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During the plenary session the participants actively discussed the issue of the future presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the party. As a future presidential candidate of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the party was nominated Chairman of the Political Council of the SDPU , the party faction leader Nariman Majidovich Umarov. Magidovich Umarov. This proposal was supported by all participants of the Plenum.

According to the party Charter, a candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is put forward by the Party Kurultay. In this regard, the holding of the VII Kurultai of the SDPU was scheduled for February 10, 2015 in Tashkent.