A meeting of the “Block of democratic forces” in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held to discuss the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On labor protection” submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Previously, this bill has supported and adopted by deputies in the first reading.
It was noted that a number of legal acts, regulating the issues of labor protection, establishing the modern requirements in this sphere have been adopted over the past years. The purpose of the document is to bring the law into conformity with the requirements of the new adopted laws and other legal acts, increase employer liability and workers’ organizations on the implementation of labor protection requirements, defining the functions of special authorized state body and other state administration bodies for ensuring proper control of conditions and labor protection.
Speakers stressed that it is tamely to fix distinct concepts in the law of “labor protection”, in particular, clearly define terms such as “professional risk”, “audit of labor protection”. This will contribute to a more complete disclosure of the system of labor protection.
During the meeting, members of the Bloc also supported the bill rules aimed at increasing the requirements for employers, which will increase their level of responsibility. Stressed the need to review the individual provisions of the draft law.
Block of democratic forces considers expedient adopt a law “On labor protection” in the new edition. It was noted that certain rules of the Labor Code is also aimed at regulating the issues of labor protection and in order to avoid contradictions between the two legal acts, it is important to ensure their alignment by amending the labor code as well.
Following the meeting developed a position of the Bloc of democratic forces, and decided to submit the proposals to the responsible committee for further development of the bill.
The meeting was attended by experts, representatives of the Ministries of Labour and Social Protection of Population Finance, Economy, Justice, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions, civil society and journalists.