Calendar of International Exhibitions
JSC “NEC Uzexpocentre”, Tashkent, 2018
№ | Name of exhibitions | Organizers | Date |
1. | International exhibitions «WorldBuild Tashkent2018» and «BuildTech2018» |
ITE Uzbekistan | February 28 – March 2 |
2. | International exhibition «AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2018» | ITE Uzbekistan | 14-16 March |
3. | International exhibition «Leather, Shoes, Clothing
and accessories» |
Association “Uzbekcharmpoyabzali” | 27-29 March |
4. | International exhibitions “UzMiningExpo2018” (technologies and equipment for the mining industry.),
“UzMetalMashExpo 2018 (metallurgy and metalworking, machine tools, welding), “UzTechTransExpo 2018” (special equipment, transport, logistics services), “UzChemPlastExpo 2018” (chemical industry, plastics and rubber production, laboratory and analytics), “InterPackExpo 2018” (technologies and equipment for the packaging industry and printing products) and “UzSecureExpo2018” (security technologies, fire protection, labor and environment protection) |
IEG Uzbekistan | 28-30 March |
5. | International exhibition «WorldFoodUzbekistan2018» | ITE Uzbekistan | 4-6 April |
6. | International exhibitions «AptekaExpoCentralAsia / TechPharm2018» and «TIHE 2018» | ITE Uzbekistan | 18-20 April |
7. | International exhibition «MebelExpoUzbekistan 2018» | ITE Uzbekistan | 24-26 April |
8. | Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects | Agency
on Science and Technology, Ministry of Innovation Development |
2-4 May |
9. | International exhibitions «OGU 2018» and «Power Uzbekistan 2018» | ITE Uzbekistan | 16-18 May |
10. | International exhibitions «Uzbekistan Agromash Expo» | JSC NEC “Uzexpocentre”, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources | 30 May -2 June |
11. | International exhibition of goods and services for children and adolescents “World of Childhood 2018” and “Sport World Uzbekistan 2018” (Sport equipment, inventory, sports clothing) | JSC NEC “Uzexpocentre” | 20-22 August |
12. | International Fruit and Vegetable Fair | JSC “Uzagroexport” | 5-7 September |
13. | Central Asian International Exhibition “Textile Equipment – CAITME 2018” and “Textile Industry – Textile Expo Uzbekistan 2018” | ITE Uzbekistan | 11-13 September |
14. | ICT WEEK Uzbekistan 2018 – Information and Communication Technologies of Uzbekistan | Mininfocom, CIB Group |
18-20 September |
15. | International exhibition “UzMedExpo2018” (Medical equipment, Pharmaceuticals, Dentistry, Medical services, Beauty and health) | IEG Uzbekistan | 26-28 September |
16. | Tashkent International Tourism Fair “Tourism on the Silk Road 2018” and health | The State Committee for Tourism Development | 3-5 October |
17. | International Exhibition “Plastic Industry-Plastex Uzbekistan 2018” | ITE Uzbekistan | 3-5 October |
18. | International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair | JSC “Uzpahtasanoat”, Association “Uztekstilprom”, CottonOutlook, Uzbek center “Sifat” | 23-27 October |
19. | International Exhibition “UZENERGYEXPO2018” (Energy, RES., Energy Saving, Lighting., Electrical Engineering) | IEG Uzbekistan | 31 October – 2 November |
20. | International exhibition «UZSTROYEXPO 2018» (Building and finishing materials, heating, ventilation, water supply. Woodworking, furniture, interior design) | IEG Uzbekistan | 31 October – 2 November |
21. | International Exhibitions “Mining equipment, mining and concentration of ores and minerals – MiningWorldUzbekistan 2018”, “Metallurgy. Mechanical engineering. Machine-tool construction – Machinery Central Asia 2018”, “Transport logistics – TransUzbekistanTranslogistica 2018” and “Security, safety and fire protection – SecurikaCentralAsia 2018” | ITE Uzbekistan | 14-16 November |
22. | International Exhibitions “UzAgroExpo2018” (agriculture) and “UzProdExpo2018” (food industry, trade and refrigeration equipment, packaging and packaging, food and beverages | IEG Uzbekistan | 21-23 November |
23. | International Exhibition BuildExpo 2018 (Construction) | Expo Position | 28-30 November |