“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

January 29, 2017



Joining of the young generation to the scientific research, comprehensive promotion and support of their intellectual activity are directed towards the future of Uzbekistan.

This was emphasized at the scientific-practical conference «XXI century – the century of intellectual generation” which took place in Tashkent. The forum showed that in our country there are increasing the numbers of the youth who are capable to solve the most complex and large-scale tasks thanks to their high intellectual ability.

The purpose of the conference was to improve the efficiency of the reforms on modernization of science and technology, promote the preparation of young researchers, develop the cooperation and introduce innovative ideas and developments in practice.

Regional stages of the conference were conducted in higher educational institutions of all regions of the country. Nearly 1.6 thousand young scientists and students attended with their scientific articles in them.

In order to support scientific researches of young people, bring their results to the notice of general public there were published 11 collections of materials on the results of the regional conferences that were handed over educational institutions. 122 participants, articles of which were recognized as the best in the regional stages, obtained the opportunity to participate in the republican conference.

– During the years of independence, we had an opportunity to in depth study of our ancestors’ heritage, – said a student of Andijan State University N.Abdullayeva. – I make a research on the features of the usage of eastern scientists’ heritage in teaching of mathematics in the educational institutions of our country. I think it will help students to find out the invaluable contribution of our scientists as Abu Raikhan Beruni, Ahmad al-Ferghani, Muhammad al-Khorezmi to the science and strengthen their sense of national pride.

Young researchers presented their research papers to the academicians of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, scientists and professors of leading universities, experts of the field in the breakout sessions of the conference.

The results of research of the conference participants were planned to put into practice. In particular, the authors of the best scientific articles will be able to participate in the Republican fair of innovative ideas, technologies and projects.