In accordance with the decree of the head of state “On the regular conscription of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan to military service and transfer of military personnel, who have served specified terms of service, to reserve of the Armed Forces” dated 23 December 2015, the country began the celebrations on sending newly designed conscripts of military service to the sites of service. One of them was held at the recruiting office of Tashkent city Defence Office.
The event, dedicated to sending Tashkent citizens to places of service, noted that the reforms in the military sphere contributed to create a well-trained national army in the years of independence. Farewell military representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, parents, veterans and the Armed Forces noted that the current recruits, like their predecessors, have to go through military service, to honorably fulfill their civic and constitutional duty to the country, the people and the President.
In order to stand in the army ranks, young men passed the competitive selection during the recruiting campaign: from tests to check for physical fitness.
Today it crowded. The day was special not only for recruits but also their relatives. All people look at grew up sons, grandchildren with closest proudly.
Before recruits were made to the command “Get in line!” and the first for their commander ordered the departure to the place of military service, a concert program was organized for them and gifts were presented from OJM “Camelot” and the fund “Mahalla”, time to bid farewell to family and friends was given.
Saying goodbye to sons, mothers do not hold back tears of joy and pride. The newly designed military behaved like real soldiers-defenders: promised with honor and dignity to serve.
A long road, meeting in a military unit, an adaptation in the Army team are ahead. Very soon the communities will be happy to meet postmen who brings cherished letter.