Tashkent hosted the International Conference «Improving the system of retraining and vocational training of judicial personnel: international practice and experience of Uzbekistan».
The event was jointly organized by the Judicial Training Center at the Ministry of Justice, Research Center at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the U.S. Federal Judicial Center and international non-governmental non-profit organization «Regional Dialogue» (Slovenia). It was attended by deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, representatives of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, universities and research institutions, NGOs and international experts.
During the event it was noted that effective legal system is created in Uzbekistan, which ensures the rule of law, protection of human rights and interests. The judiciary is increasingly being strengthened as a result of reforms implemented in accordance with the Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country which was put forward by the President Islam Karimov.
The development of democracy, the results of reforms and prosperity of society largely depends on the knowledge and skills of the judicial personnel. The significant work to strengthen the legal education is carried out in Uzbekistan. Decree of the Head of Uzbekistan on the organizational measures for further improvement of the activity of the courts of November 30, 2012 and the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan «On measures to further improve the system of judicial training» of June 28, 2013 serve as an important guide in such a work.
The positive results achieved by Uzbekistan in this field are widely recognized by the international community. In Uzbekistan a comprehensive analysis of national experience, the introduction of international practices and standards to improve the quality of training and retraining of judges are considered as a priority task.
The system of training of highly qualified personnel for the judicial system contributes to the quality of legal activity, guaranteeing full compliance with the law. Further improvement of this work is the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the activity of courts and application of advanced methods of distance education.
The speakers at the conference also underscored that a single system of training of lawyers in the country, as well as the work on further improvement of legal education and cardinal improvement of the quality of training and retraining of judicial personnel are yielding good results.
Judicial Training Center at the Ministry of Justice plays an important role in retraining and vocational training of judicial personnel. Annually more than 2 thousand specialists of the judicial system improve their knowledge and skills. The Center has specialized classrooms, computer and test rooms, a rich library and resource center on human rights. The attendees of the Center are provided with modern teaching tools, electronic technology.
The close relationship between theory and practice serves for familiarization of students with the analysis of the center of law enforcement, improvement of professionalism of judicial staff.
Close cooperation and active exchange of experience are established between the Judicial Training Center and the U.S. Federal Judicial Center.
Director of the U.S. Federal Judicial Center Jeremy Fogel told about the practice of appointment of judges, the system of preparation and training of judges in the United States. He also paid a special attention to the issues of distance training of judges, widespread use of modern information and communication technologies in educational process. Appreciating the results of judicial reforms implemented in Uzbekistan, he noted that the Judicial Training Center makes a great contribution to the training of highly qualified judicial personnel, which is an important factor in the development and independence of the judiciary in Uzbekistan.
– I am impressed with Uzbekistan’s system of training, retraining and vocational training of judicial staff, – J.Fogel has said. – Receiving education and training as a prerequisite to appointment of a judge allows bringing comprehensively developed, experienced specialists in the sphere. This increases the efficiency of the administration of justice, the delivery of judgment on the issues that influence in the life and destiny of man. In Uzbekistan, information and communication technologies are widely introduced into the activities of courts. It reduces the time of consideration of cases, saves time and money of citizens. We would like to continue the active cooperation with Uzbekistan in this issue.
Promotion of best practices in the sphere, further expansion of international cooperation, implementation of information and communication technologies in the legal procedures, as well as organizing the online training courses were also discussed at the International Conference.