“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

May 22, 2017



The inter-branch industrial fair of the Complex for Agriculture and Water Resources, Agricultural Products and Consumer Goods Processing, and the Complex for Export Capacity, Machine Building, Automotive and Electrical Industry, and Product Standardization Development has wrapped up in Tashkent.

As noted at the opening ceremony, the ongoing large-scale work in our country on the production upgrade, technical and technological expansion, expansion of cooperation ties, establishment of sustainable partnerships, and stimulation of demand for domestic products has been contributing to sustainable development of the economy.

The emphasis is laid on the production of finished products and components from local raw materials, strengthening of partnerships between large industrial enterprises and small business entities. The Localization Program has been contributing to the development of cooperative ties between production enterprises, expansion of the product range and quality, development of import substitution and exports. The traditional inter-sector industrial fairs that are annually held within the framework of the first stage of the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange, serve as an important step to expand the scale of work in this direction.

This year’s inter-branch industrial fair has brought together more than 950 enterprises under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Uzpakhtasanoatexport, Uzagrosanoatmashholding, Uzbekoziqovqatholding and Uzvinosanoatholding companies, Uzdonmahsulot, Uzavtosanoat, Uzbekyengilsanoat and Uzeltekhsanoat joint-stock companies and Uzbekcharmpoyabzali Association, as well as representatives of small businesses and private enterprises.

The exposition of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources was diverse and colorful. More than 30 industrial enterprises represented over 170 types of products, including various brands of pumps by Suvmash, cars, machines by Suvsanoatmash, electric motors by Toshkent Electric Motor Enterprise.

“We see the Fair as a convenient platform to strengthen cooperation between industrial enterprises and organizations within the ministry’s system,” said the Senior Specialist of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Jurabek Abdullayev. “Our enterprises signed contracts for 7.8 billion soums at the last year’s intersectoral fair, while this year we expect to conclude agreements for about 10 billion soums.”

Textile industry ranks among the boosting sectors in Uzbekistan, as once again proved by a broad range of products presented at Uzbekyengilsanoat stands.

According to the company’s Senior Specialist Makhbuba Sultonova, the last year’s fair was attended by about 15 enterprises, while this year’s Fair has hosted more than twenty companies presenting more than 150 types of products. It is noteworthy that the bulk of products are export-oriented.

The ongoing gradual reforms on the development of production of finished goods with high added value have been contributing to the expansion of industrial cooperation. The performance of enterprises operating in the structure of Uzavtosanoat – the supplier of modern cars of various brands to the domestic market and more than 15 countries, is an impressive proof.

Uz-Koram Co of Andijan ranks among such manufacturers. It has been producing bumpers, dashboards and dampers for domestic cars for twenty years, providing jobs to 850 workers.

“Aiming to diversify production, we have launched the manufacture of eight types of polypropylene products since December 2016,” says the Head of the Uz-Koram Co localization sector Elyor Ashurov. “At the exhibition, these products are widely represented along with new types of car components.”

Specialized industrial presentations within the industrial fair introduced guests to technical and technological capacity, offered proposals for cooperation. The guests had a chance to see technical innovations and production achievements, estimate the demand for materials and component parts that will be produced in the near future, conclude agreements on the development of new types of industrial products.