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September 10, 2016

Corps of Hope


A new oncological-hematological corps under the Scientific-research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion has started its operation.

It took several years to build the new corps designed for 80 beds. Its opening was a long-awaited event since conditions created in the new building are of no less importance for patients than drugs.

In the past the onco-hematological department wards were located in the building of a former hostel, reconstructed for the needs of the hospital. The new corps was built according to a special design. The construction workers had taken into account the smallest details: there is even a children’s room with toys and all other necessary things for a meaningful leisure.

“There are spacious and light corridors, wards for one-two patients, and such other conditions, which enable to observe personal hygienic requirements,” underlined chief of children’s onco-hematological department Nargiza Bobokhonova. “And this is important for the prevention of nosocomial infections.”

Chief of onco-hematological department for adults Mamura Nigmatova supported her colleague, “After moving to this building the patients had no cases of infectious diseases, which has a favorable impact on their state of health and the soonest possible recovery.” Today the patients and doctors are looking for the commissioning of the second building. Also is expected the commissioning of the system of centralized supply of oxygen and air ventilation in the rooms.

It will turn into one of the most decisive factors, which will enable to achieve the set objectives on the improvement of treatment of this category of patients. Doctors intend to achieve the reduction of death rate among children suffering fr om leucosis by 50%, improve the quality of life and raise the indicator of 5-year survival rate from 40% to 90%. Reducing the mortality rate of children with thalassemia should reach 70%, improvement in the quality of life, and increasing the indicator of 25-year survival rate from 10% to 90%.

Creation of such conditions will play an important role also in the treatment of patients in the adult departments. Modern technologies are being introduced here for the treatment of onco-hematological patients with the transplantation of their own stem cells, which is the only chance for their recovery. In particular, selection and preliminary therapy of patients will be carried out in this building.

The Scientific-Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion plays a key role in the treatment of patients suffering from blood cancer.

Patients with suspected cases of this disease are sent here from all parts of the country, because only here is located a laboratory fitted out with high-tech equipment that allows to confirm and specify the diagnosis and to choose the most appropriate treatment. All patients with blood cancer receive their first course of treatment here, on which depends how the therapy process will proceed in the future.

Note: therapy in all departments is carried out with the use of treatment protocols developed on the basis of evidence-based medicine.

“The introduction and utilization of modern methods of therapy and new drugs enabled to significantly improve the quality of treatment,” says Nargiza Bobokhonova. “Twenty years ago, when I had only started my career, every second patient suffered from complications in the form of disorders of the central nervous system. Today these cases are reduced to almost zero. And the 5-year survival indicator of patients has increased. We have patients who come with their children in the hands and thank us for saving their lives, and they help to create conditions for current patients.”

At the same time, the Institute feels the sponsors’ noticeable support, who contributes to patient care. The Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis helps our doctors. The Company has allocated $18 million for setting up the system of monitoring of treatment with determining the content of ferritin in the blood in patients with thalassemia and for conducting scientific analysis of treatment efficiency.

Apart from that the Company has channeled $65thousand for training programs: hematologists improve their skills and knowledge in the field of conducting chelation therapy. There is a thalassemia school opened for parents, wh ere they are taught the principles of adherence to therapy and taking care about a sick child.

Specialists regularly update the national register of children with leukemia and thalassemia. It is important to provide children with free drugs for carrying out modern high-performance therapy. By the way, the government has allocated this year 856 million soums for their procurement.

We offer to your attention a photo report from the new onco-hematological corps.