The IX cycle trainings of the International Scientific Educational School of the World Federation of Surgical Oncology Societies on “Unified educational standard of treatment in oncology: technologies and innovations” was held in Bukhara.
The event, organized by Bukhara regional khokimiyat jointly with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology, Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan, was attended by leading scientists and specialists, representatives of pharmaceutical companies of the UK, Russia, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.
At the event, advanced treatment methods of breast, head and neck tumors, lung metastases, eye tumors, metastatic tumors of head and spinal cord, role of microsurgery in oncology were discussed in detail.
Within the framework of three-day courses organized at Bukhara Branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology, leading surgical oncologists of the world conducted more than 10 surgical operations, including 2 operations with the use of the latest innovative technologies.
At the event, memorandums of cooperation were signed between the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan, the World Federation of Surgical Oncology Societies and the Association of Oncologists of Serbia. This will serve as an important basis for expanding geography of scientific and practical cooperation in effective fight against cancer, development of mutual relations, establishment of an active exchange of information and experience, strengthening specialists’ professional skills, joint development of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, coordination of efforts in this direction.