Creativity Reflected in Catalog

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October 3, 2016

Creativity Reflected in Catalog


Since long time the attention of local and foreign fine art connoisseurs is drawn in the creativity of the famous artist and public figure Akmal Nur. Everything he does is performed in high professional level, and his paintings are imbued with a great love for his native country and the people of Uzbekistan. His solo exhibitions enjoy huge popularity, paintings of Akmal Nur repeatedly marked by high awards bоth in Uzbekistan and other countries. The publication of these catalogs, which are to a certain extent the quintessence of his creative activity, is an important event in the history of fine art of our country.


The presentation of the catalogs, donated to the Alisher Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan, was attended by teachers and students of the Kamoliddin Behzod Institute of Arts and Design, the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, college students, as well as readers of the library. Cordially thanking Akmal Nur for this generous gift, the deputy director of the Navoi Library, Umida Teshabaeva said that the National Library of Uzbekistan was not only books, magazines, newspapers, rare editions, a lot of reading halls, funds and storages, but also a place for interesting creative meetings, round tables, memory evenings, scientific forums, where the young people with great interest acquainted with many prominent figures of Uzbek culture and art, their creativity and achievements. The meeting with one of our best artists, the chairman of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan Akmal Nuriddinov joins the ranks of such events.


A screening of a documentary film on the life and work of Akmal Nuriddinov is organized, after which the participants communicate with the master. The presented catalogs are colorful, well-designed and modern editions, which include a truly unique series of paintings by Akmal Nur. While familiarizing with these catalogs, the readers could get acquainted with the contemporary national art of Uzbekistan and spiritual values.


Answering the question from the audience, Doctor of Arts Kamola Akilova, in particular, said:” The works presented in the catalog are a kind of autobiography, the story of formation of creativity of the Uzbek artist. It is a reflection of what he lived, what he reflected on. Creative path of Akmal Nur is a constant search for himself, his capabilities, and his truth.”


About his admiration for the work of the artist said the chief editor of the publishing house of the library, poet Shukur Kurbon. In his speech he said: “No interpreter is needed to understand the language of the heroes of his paintings. It is enough to look close at them, and they will reach the very depths of your soul, and talk about the feelings the characters experience.” Presenting his collection of poems to Akmal Nur he recited a poem dedicated to the artist.


According to the Candidate of Art Ostap Kovalchuk from Kiev, Ukraine, the organic understanding of the culture of the native land is one of the main priorities of the artist. Painting of Akmal Nur accumulates the best traditions of Uzbek fine arts, thanks to which his paintings can be easily compared with the works of outstanding artists of the first half of the twentieth century. Thus, the use of geometric structures in composite solutions is in tune with the formal search of Alexander Volkov. Special refined lyricism and exquisite stylized silhouettes in the interpretation of the figures of the characters resemble to the painting of Usto Mumin (Alexander Nikolaev).


By analyzing the stylistic features of the artistic language of Akmal Nur, Ostap Kovalchuk writes: “We find virtually all stages of the history of culture of Uzbekistan: from the art of the ancient world to the modern trends. When comparing the creativity of Akmal Nur with the world masters, the association appears with the works of the poet Federico García Lorca. This is a well-established range of images, wandering from product to product, and use of folk traditions in the context of a deep understanding of archetypes, not just depiction of the ethnographic details. As the brilliant Spaniard master, the Uzbek painter managed to give his folklore images the universal sound.


Paintings of Akmal Nur are represented in museum collections of Uzbekistan, Morocco, China, as well as private collections in Germany, Holland, Israel, India, Russia, USA, France and other countries. The creative path of the artist is continuing successfully. Moreover, at the evening the first time in public, the master recited his poets full of warmth and cordiality. At the conclusion of the meeting, answering the questions from the audience, Akmal Nur told about what inspired him to create new paintings, as well as his creative plans for the future.