On November 14, the regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.
Education of physically healthy, spiritually and intellectually developed, independently thinking, youth with strong vital views and devoted to homeland, increasing their social activity in the process of deepening democratic reforms and development of civil society are one of the tasks of the Strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.
During the meeting, deputies considered the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On establishment of “Kelajak bunyodkori” medal, in the first reading.
Deputies, emphasizing the importance and necessity of establishing the “Kelajak bunyodkori” medal, noted that this medal will serve as a powerful stimulus for youth in striving for high achievements.
— It is not by chance that the President of our country includes issues of youth in the agenda, — said deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdugaffar Kirgizbayev. — Everyone knows that this year, the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan was established on the initiative of the Head of our state. As noted by Shavkat Mirziyoyev, “Our most important direction is the youth. We will solve this problem, we will achieve big changes”. Our active youth are achieving success in all spheres. The establishment of this medal is a vivid example of the state’s attention to the future of the country.
It was emphasized that young people who are 14 years old and under the age of 30, devoted to the country, showing patriotism, dedication and diligence, who make a worthy contribution to raising the international authority and augmenting the glory of our Motherland, who are examples of activity and initiative in public and political life, as well as achieved great success in study and work for their peers, are awarded with “Kelajak bunyodkori” medal.
In addition, persons who are awarded with this medal will receive a one-time monetary reward in the amount of ten times the minimum wage and enjoy the benefits established by the legislation.
Deputies considered the draft Law “On public control”, in the second reading. The purpose of this draft law is to regulate relations in the field of organization and implementation of public control over the activities of state bodies and institutions.
As it was noted, the study of foreign experience shows that in many foreign countries there are no legislative acts regulating the activity of civil society institutions in the sphere of implementation by them of public control. Basically, public control is being implemented in the context of openness and transparency of state bodies.
Along with this, the deputies noted that to date, an Internet discussion of draft normative legal acts is being practiced, an order is being established according to which public discussion can also be conducted using ICT. This draft law was posted on the website of the lower house of parliament, as well as on the websites mt.uz, strategy.uz and other NGOs, for public discussion.
It is important to note that after consideration of this draft law in the first reading, more than 30 events were held on its discussion at places. Programs and talk shows on TV and radio channels were also organized.
After the discussion, the deputies discussed the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Administrative Responsibility”, in the second reading. Despite the current established norms of bringing to account parents who do not fulfill their duties on raising children, there is an increase in cases of non-compliance with the requirements of legislation in this sphere. So, in the period of 2014-2016, about 50 thousand parents or persons substituting them were brought to administrative responsibility for the failure to fulfill the duties of parents in upbringing and educating minors. During the same period, about 33 thousand minors committed administrative violations, about 7 thousand adolescents committed crimes.
According to a deputy Odinakhon Jamoldinova, more than 174 thousand facts of non-attendance of students in professional colleges and academic lyceums were revealed for the past period of 2017. This indicator in 2016 was about 80 thousand.
It was noted that the adoption of this draft law will serve to ensure prevention of child neglect and delinquency among minors, increase responsibility for non-fulfillment of obligations by parents or their substitutes on upbringing and educating minors.
At the meeting, deputy associations made suggestions and a number of recommendations on the above draft laws.
At the event, other drafts laws providing for the introduction of amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan were also considered in the first reading.
Information Service of the Legislative Chamber
of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan