Debut-2014 festival of young theatrical talents opens The Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre hosted the opening ceremony of the fifth republican show-festival of young filmmakers “Debut-2014”, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports in collaboration with the creative and production association “Uzbekteatr”.
It was attended by the figures of theatre arts of the country, scholars, critics, professors and teachers of higher institutions, students and the representatives of the media.
First Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports of Uzbekistan F.Jalolov, chairman of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan A.Nuriddinov and others spoke about the necessary conditions created under the direction of President Islam Karimov for the development of theatrical art, comprehensive support of creative teams, amateur studios, their effective functioning.
Traditional republican theatre festival of young filmmakers “Debut” is one of the directions of this work.
Discussion of the works with the participation of prominent specialists will be organized after each performance in the framework of the festival, which will last a week.
Art lovers will be able to watch the performances staged by young directors in such theaters like the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre, the Uzbek State Music Theatre named after Muqimiy Uzbek State Drama Theatre and the Youth Theatre of Uzbekistan.
During the forum, scientific-practical conference dedicated to the drama of youth, the role of tradition “master-apprentice” in the education of young actors, is also planned to hold with the participation of producers, theater experts of leading theaters of the country.
At the end of the theatre festival “Debut 2014” the winners will be awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.