The Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan held its regular meeting on 20 October.
Deputies considered a number of bills aimed at further deepening the reforms carried out in various spheres of society, protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.
The issues included in the agenda of the meeting of the lower house of Parliament, were previously discussed at the meetings of factions of political parties and Deputy group from the Ecological movement of Uzbekistan, committees of the Legislative chamber with the participation of representatives of ministries and departments, civil society institutions.
The deputies began their work with a discussion in the first reading the draft law “On combating corruption”, submitted for consideration to the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis by Interim President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoev.
As was noted, since the first years of independence, Uzbekistan has embarked on the construction of a democratic legal state and forming a strong civil society, rule of law, protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, the reforms in all spheres of public-political life of the country.
The meeting participants pointed out the importance and timeliness of the bill, which is aimed at a comprehensive legislative regulation of legal relations in the field of combating corruption, improving the efficiency of anti-corruption measures undertaken by public authorities, organizations and institutions of civil society, as well as the complete eradication of this phenomenon in all spheres of public life, increasing legal awareness and legal culture of citizens.
The representatives of all factions of political parties and Deputy group from the Ecological movement of Uzbekistan expressed their opinion on the draft law.
In particular, the members of the faction of Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen — liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan, having approved the draft law emphasized that the adoption of the law will create additional legal guarantees to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, will contribute to protection from unlawful attacks on the right to private property, undue interference in the activities of business entities, and as a result, growth in business activity and increase of investment attractiveness of the country.
Members of the Democratic party faction “Milliy Tiklanish” emphasized the urgency of this bill and its socio-economic importance. It lays down the main principles and directions of the state policy on combating corruption, the system of the competent authorities, provides for the participation of local authorities, civil society institutions, media and citizens in the fight against corruption.
The adoption of the law will be another practical step towards the deepening of democratic reforms in the country and the formation of a strong civil society.
The members of the faction of People’s democratic party of Uzbekistan supported the bill for consideration, noted that the establishment of the Republican Interdepartmental Commission on counteraction of corruption with inclusion in its structure of representatives of public associations of entrepreneurs and other civil society institutions is aimed at ensuring coordination and strengthening of interaction in this field.
The members of the faction of the Social democratic party “Adolat” fully supporting this bill, drew attention to the fact that corruption in the sphere of administrative activity is among the factors that may hamper the realization of the rights of citizens. In this regard, the draft law introduced by the Interim President of the Republic of Uzbekistan proves the specificity of the measures adopted by the state in the field of combating corruption. The implementation of this law will further ensure compliance with international law and increase the credibility of our country in the international arena.