At the meetings of factions of political parties, the deputies discussed the Budget message for 2017, including projects of the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the budgets of state trust funds, the main directions of tax and budget policy for 2017, as well as the draft Program of creating workplaces and ensuring employment of population in 2017.
During the discussions, all factions fully supported the draft State budget for 2017 and developed their positions.
As was noted, the draft of the main financial document of the country has been developed on the basis of the priorities set out in the report of Interim President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the joint session of chambers of Oliy Majlis on 8 September of the current year, as well as the goals identified in recently adopted decrees and orders of the President.
The members of the faction of Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen —liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan focused special attention on the fact that tax policy for 2017 provides for further reducing the tax burden, simplifying the tax system and improving tax administration. In the coming year, the tax burden on the economy will decline relative to the gross domestic product, from 20.2 percent in the current year to 18.9 percent.
In the forthcoming year, in order to further develop the priority sectors of the economy, it is planned to extend certain benefits, which expire next year. This, in turn, will allow entrepreneurs to save some 500 billion soums, which will be channeled towards replenishment of their working capital, modernization and technological re-equipment of production.
The representatives of the faction of the Democratic party of Uzbekistan “Milliy Tiklanish” emphasized that the Budget message for 2017 includes implementation of specific measures aimed at improving the planning of budgetary funds, efficiency of their use and the improvement of intergovernmental relations.
In particular, in order to ensure a uniform approach to the financing of secondary special educational institutions, it is planned to transfer the expenditure powers of local authorities in this direction to the national budget. This will contribute to strengthening the material-technical base of educational institutions and improve the quality of education.
The members of the faction of People’s democratic party of Uzbekistan, noting the social orientation of the draft State budget for 2017, paid particular attention to increasing the share of funds allocated to this sector. It was stressed that the raise in wages of employees of budget organizations, pensions, allowances and stipends in size, outstripping inflation, will further improve living standards of the population.
However, the representatives of the faction underlined proposals for the revision of workload in professional colleges and academic lyceums. The increase in workload will ensure the effectiveness of the educational process and rational use of teachers working time.
The members of the faction of the Social democratic party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” emphasized that the draft Budget for next year provides for the full involvement of the scientific and technical potential of the country. It is worth noting that the 13 percent increase in funding the science will facilitate research and development work in the framework of the state scientific-technical programs.
The deputies expressed opinions on the need to further strengthen parliamentary control over effective and target expenditure of budgetary funds, the increase of responsibility of tax and regulatory authorities, as well as the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of businesses.
The participants also considered the Programme of creating workplaces and ensuring employment of population for 2017. All parties supported the draft, noting that it has been developed with regard to supply and demand in the labor market, through a deep analysis of the potential of regions and industries. It has been formed based on the results of monitoring and outcomes of control and analytical activities.
According to deputies, all measures defined in the Programme comply with the Law “On employment of population”, principles of the state policy in the field of employment. The requirements of the Convention of the International Labor organization about the policy in the field of employment ratified by Uzbekistan were taken into account within its work out.
The employment programme for 2017 was developed based on experience from previous years in close relationship with other programs of socio-economic development of the country and with consideration of the balanced development of territories.
The meeting participants discussed the mechanisms for creating jobs, monitoring the implementation of the program, as well as measures for further enhancing the control and analytical work of the responsible committee in this area.