Deputies considered draft laws that will serve the development of tourism, the judiciary system and strengthen international relations

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March 7, 2018

Deputies considered draft laws that will serve the development of tourism, the judiciary system and strengthen international relations

At a regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, deputies considered a number of draft laws aimed at ensuring the rule of law and further reforming the judicial legal system, introducing modern information and communication technologies in activities of the courts. In addition, the deputies focused on issues of the need for accelerated development of tourism industry, diversification and improvement of the quality of tourism services. The adoption of draft laws, according to parliamentarians, will serve to effective implementation of the Action Strategy.

Deputies discussed the draft law “On establishing the Day of housing and communal services workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers.

At present, there are over 157 thousand employees working in the republic in the sphere of housing and communal services. Proceeding from the foregoing, in order to further improve the functioning efficiency of the public service sector, stimulating conscientious labor, the draft law proposes the date of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services establishment – to announce April 18 as the Day of housing and communal services workers.

The deputies considered the draft Law “On ratification of the Ninth Additional Protocol to the Charter of the Universal Postal Union (Istanbul, October 6, 2016)”, in the first reading.

Uzbekistan has been a member of the Universal Postal Union since 1994, actively participates in its activities and makes a significant contribution to the development of international relations. The Charter of the Universal Postal Union is the main act of the Universal Postal Union. The amendments to the charter adopted by the Congress of the Universal Postal Union constitute an additional protocol. In order to realize the rights and duties of the Republic of Uzbekistan following from the Ninth Additional Protocol to the Charter of the Universal Postal Union, adopted at the XXVI Congress of the Universal Postal Union, it is necessary to conduct internal procedures for its implementation.

The adoption of the draft law will allow the country to realize the rights and obligations arising from the Charter of the Universal Postal Union, to protect and defend the interests in international organizations. In addition, it will promote the development of further cooperation with member countries of the Universal Postal Union, as well as qualitative, effective and safe postal services with the use of new technologies and standards.

The draft law “On Ratification of the Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Baku, November 26, 2015)” was also considered in the first reading.

Its adoption, according to the legislators, will contribute to further development of international cooperation in these spheres, the wide promotion of Uzbekistan’s achievements in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, highlighting the country’s outstanding role in Islamic civilization, acquaintance with the ancient history and cultural heritage of the republic. In addition, with the entry into force of the charter, the full-scale activity of the Special ISESCO Chair at Tashkent Islamic University will be organized.

Deputies considered amendments introduced to the Article 356 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As the deputies note, the introduced additions will serve to stimulate the introduction of e-commerce infrastructure and increase the number of tourism entities providing services on online booking of tourism services and sale of tourism products via the Internet.

Within the framework of development of the draft law, editorial amendments were introduced for the second reading. The experience of such foreign countries as Russia, Belarus and Georgia has been restudied. Suggestions and recommendations of the parliamentary factions were also taken into account.

In their opinion, the adoption of this law will contribute to improving the quality and timeliness of services provided in this sphere, including by actively implementing IT technologies, reducing the price of tourism services, developing competition.

In the first reading, the deputies also considered the draft law “On introducing amendments and addenda to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, which would significantly change the criminal procedure, expand accessibility of justice by introducing the video conferencing system into the process.

As international practice shows, videoconferencing is used in criminal proceedings for obtaining testimony that is more truthful and ensuring participation in the process of a person in prison. The introduced amendments will create more favorable conditions for realization of the right to judicial protection.

Taking into account the positions of factions of political parties, the deputies adopted these draft laws. At the meeting, other issues related to powers of the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament were also discussed.

Information Service of the Legislative Chamber
of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan