On the eve of the fifteenth plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the meetings of the Committees of the Upper House of Parliament were held. Laws and other issues on the agenda of the fifteenth plenary session were considered.
At first, a meeting of the Committee on Budget and Economic Reforms was held. Report on activities of the Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 was previously considered.
It was noted that in 2017, the Accounts Chamber held about 70 events on analytical study and control, 49 of which are held directly at places, and the rest of them – in ministries and departments. The Accounts Chamber also prepared proposals, submitted to the Ministry of Justice in considering draft state budget and main directions of the budget tax policy for 2018. The forecast of budget revenues worth 1.4 trillion soums has been revised based on proposals.
The control of formation and execution of the state budget at republican and local levels was held, legitimate, targeted and effective use of the state budget was studied on the example of ministries and departments financed from budget. As a result of control measures, illegal expenses in the amount of 37 billion soums, illegal and ineffective – in the amount of 7 million dollars and additional sources of income in the amount of 270 billion soums were identified.
The need for strengthening control over the targeted use of funds allocated from the state budget and extra-budgetary funds, full use of budget revenues, assessment of activities of heads of sectors at places, implementation of programs of socio-economic development of territories, consideration by senators of appropriate measures on improvement of effectiveness of control over the implementation of tasks provided for in the resolutions and orders of the President was noted.
Following the initial discussion, relevant decisions of the Committee were adopted.