Issue of financing cultivation of cotton and grain was discussed at the meeting on accelerated development of agriculture and deepening reforms in this sphere. The need was noted for supplying mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants at fixed prices throughout the season. Purchasing prices for cotton and grain are set at a rate sufficient for covering costs and ensuring profit. At the same time, this year the volume of soft loans for cotton harvest is set at 6 trillion sums, which is three times more than in the previous year. Most importantly, in concessional loans allocated to farmers, there are funds sufficient for fully covering the costs for mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants.
– Soft loan used to be allocated for specific purposes, a farmer could not spend this money on his own. Now, distribution of loans will be carried out at district level at the request of farmers, – said the President. – We completely abandoned the practice when cotton was grown on lands where yields were less than 15 quintals per hectare. Now, export-oriented products in-demand will be grown in such fields.
February 5, 2025