In the framework of annual exhibition e-Learning Korea-2015 Seoul hosted the presentation of the educational system of Uzbekistan. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and our country’s Embassy in Seoul became the initiators of it.
Senior officials of government structures of South Korea, heads of municipal and provincial departments in charge of education, as well as representatives of diplomatic corps attended the event. They received detailed information about the ongoing reforms in the sphere of education in Uzbekistan.
The appropriate legal basis of modernization and renewal of the sector has been highlighted. It is particularly noted that two most important laws, adopted on the initiative of President Islam Karimov, lay a solid basis for creation of harmonious system of modern continuous education – “On Education” and “On the National program for training of personnel”.
National model of training in Uzbekistan, according to the principle “personality – state and society – continuing education – science – production”, has excited special interest among the participants.
South Korean speakers have stressed that over the years of interaction with educational institutions of Uzbekistan positive experience has been accumulated. In particular, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Korea, Kim Jae Chung praised the current level of bilateral cooperation in this field. According to him, Uzbekistan is one of the priority countries for South Korea in the sphere of deepening contacts for the implementation of best practices in the training program.
In general, as it was mentioned during the presentation, educational system which has been created in Uzbekistan after independence has opened the country’s younger generation opportunities to realize their potential, contributing to the preparation of highly qualified and professional staff, making a worthy contribution to the stable and sustainable development of their homeland.