Emphasis on Localization

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May 15, 2014

Emphasis on Localization

emphasis-on-localizationSector-based industrial fair of the Complex for the Promotion of Machine Building, Electro-technical and Aviation Industry, Standardization of Goods has been launched at the Uzexpocenter in Tashkent.

Boosting the localization level of finished goods production plays a considerable role in the further dynamic and steadfast development of the Uzbek economy, in the reduction of its dependence on external factors, the acceleration of introduction of novel and more efficient technologies into the production process. This, in turn, facilitates a more extensive use of local raw and production resources, the elevation on this basis of manufacturing modern competitive products and the creation of new jobs.

The presidential decree “On Measures to Further Enhance Intra-Sector and Inter-Sector Industrial Cooperation” signed 12 November 2007 has helped bolster the process of imports substitution and production localization into a new qualitative level. This policy document has allowed organizing a range of high-tech production lines novel to the nation, launching the production of modern goods, and filling the domestic market with quality products considerably lower in cost than the imported counterparts.

emphasis-on-localization2One can get familiar with some of them at the sector-based industrial fair of the enterprises of the Complex for the Promotion of Machine Building, Electro-technical and Aviation Industry, Standardization of Goods, being held in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Arrange and Hold the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange in 2014” inked 24 February 2014.

As the organizers stress, the status of the event has been mounting from one year to another. It is indicative also by the fact that last year, it was 110 enterprises who presented 800 types of goods, including 168 new ones launched as part of the Localization Program, that took part in the sector industrial fair. Deals reached then for the supply of goods on industrial cooperation and exports for 117.3 billion soums and 2.6 million dollars.

This time around, goods are exposed by more than 130 enterprises, including the Tashkent Tractor Plant, the Tashkent Mechanical Engineering Factory, the Chirchikkishlokmash open stock company, the Modular Plant, along with enterprises of stock companies Uzavtosanoat, Uzeltekhsanoat and others.

Extensive expositions are presented by enterprises of electro-technical industry. According to the head of department for marketing, production and development of export potential and ICT of the Uzeltekhsanoat stock company Kh.Yusupov, this year 15 enterprises presenting more than 10 types of new household appliances are taking part in the sector industrial fair. The most renowned among them are the Sino open stock company, the group of companies under the trademark Artel, the JV Zenith Electronics and others.

Their stands have been appealing to many visitors and participants. And that is hardly surprising, since the enterprises of the electro-technical industry have within the last years launched the production of a range of sophisticated household and radio-technical appliances and devices, namely, the state-of-the-art models of television sets, household and industrial refrigerators, air conditioners, gas ovens, vacuum cleaners, power saving lamps, electrical kettles, irons, phones. During the last year’s industrial fair they reached deals for the sale of electro-technical products for more than two billion soums. This year, agreements for three billion soums are projected to be signed.

Uzbekistan’s automotive industry is presented by a whole range of enterprises manufacturing goods geared to the highest world standards. Notably, General Motors Uzbekistan exhibits nine automobiles under the trademark Chevrolet. Central in this exposition has become the family minivan Chevrolet Orlando launched earlier this year. The extensive model range of freight automobiles has been presented by the JV MAN Auto-Uzbekistan. Dump trucks, combined road machines, garbage trucks FAUN, the Betamix mixers, cement trucks and other machinery manufactured by the enterprise has been used effectively in the construction and reconstruction of motor roads, railways, in carrying out intercity transportation. The SamAuto demonstrates several types of specialized machinery and Isuzu buses. The model emergency aid ambulance worked out at the enterprise has become the novelty of the exhibition.

The sector-based industrial fair has allowed for the familiarization also with the latest achievements of agricultural mechanical engineering. The Tashkent Tractor Plant has revealed several types of tractors, trailers, cotton harvesting machine, while the Modular Factory has displayed cotton spraying machines, drill seeders, rotor-type mowers, and fertilizer spreader devices. The Technolog open stock company has demonstrated components, units and details of cotton harvesting machines, while the Chirchikkishlokmash open stock company presented plows and cultivators.

The Uz CLAAS Agro has displayed 18 units of technological equipment and eight models of agricultural machinery at the sector industrial fair. Among them is the brand new tractor for inter-row cultivation of cotton, which is currently being tested in Tashkent region. Its serial production is projected for the nearest future.

More detailed information on the evolution of machine building spheres, electro-technical and aviation industries, standardization of products and proposals for cooperation can be accessed at the presentations of enterprises.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan U.Rozukulov delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the industrial fair.
