The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan jointly with UNDP and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan are conducting a survey among entrepreneurs on the conditions of doing business in the country. This was reported by the Press Service of CCIU.
In the World Bank’s latest ‘Doing Business-2018’ report, assessing the ease of doing business in the country, Uzbekistan ranked 74th among 190 economies. Despite the improved position of Uzbekistan in comparison with the ‘Doing Business-2017’ report, there is still room for improvement.
The survey aims to identify the problems and barriers entrepreneurs face during their activities, particularly in the regions of Uzbekistan. Based on the results of the survey, recommendations will be prepared for the government, responsible ministries and departments, state agencies on the ground to improve the business environment in Uzbekistan.
Entrepreneurs operating in Uzbekistan are invited to take part in the survey. Their comments and proposals will help improve the conditions of doing business in Uzbekistan.