Uzbekistan is developing a range of measures to stimulate cooperation between farmers, agricultural enterprises, infrastructure organizations engaged in cultivation, storage, enhanced processing and transportation of agricultural products, and further swell and reinforce diversified farms.
In particular, it is proposed to elaborate and execute a program of development of diversified farming enterprises for 2017-2020, and thereby optimize acreage and reduce cotton crop areas by stages. The scheme will focus on expanding the production of export oriented fruit and vegetable, food and animal products, agricultural services, as well as on the establishment of a network of small industrial enterprises.
In the next five years, the document envisages the construction of additional refrigeration warehouses with storage capacity of 200,000 tons, increase the volumes of fruit and vegetable processing 1.8 times, and the level of recycling from 17 to 30%. The manufacturers with a complete production cycle, which produce finished goods or ensure enhanced processing of agricultural feedstock, are expected to play a dominant role in the economy.
The priority, according to experts, should be given to the expansion of industries based primarily on their own natural and raw material potential, which apply advanced modern technologies and produce competitive goods. This, in turn, will contribute to the further development of the industry in rural areas and extension of processing of agricultural products, creation of new jobs, improvement of incomes, assignment of additional funds to local governments and, ultimately, to a significant increase in the living standards of the rural population.