“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

May 1, 2017



Uzbekistan is initiating several interesting projects to catalyze tourist interest.

Experts are considering an opportunity of introducing a specific plastic card for tourists, entitled Uzbekistan Pass. As ​​envisioned by the project initiators, it will provide an opportunity for foreign guests to purchase goods and services throughout the country at a discount.

Domestic experts have already studied the successful experience of using such cards in the states that lead in tourism indicators. The cards certainly do not rank among the main motivators for visiting a country, while they are extremely useful for building a general impression and long-term loyalty. A tourist, who felt comfortable and liked the country, will share his impressions with dozens friends.

It is envisaged that the card will be issued to tourists upon receipt of entrance visa to Uzbekistan, as well as sold at airports and hotels. The ways of its large-scale introduction in the republic are discussed with leading tour operators and other interested parties.

The introduction of another loyalty system for tourists – Tourist Friendly – is planned concurrently. It is about a voluntary certification of museums, galleries, catering and other display and infrastructure facilities that will meet high quality standards.

Such facilities should observe sanitary requirements, provide appropriate security, the staff should be proficient in foreign languages, their services can be paid through various international systems and meet many other criteria.