Fund for support of exports assisted more than 2 thousand business entities

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February 2, 2015

Fund for support of exports assisted more than 2 thousand business entities

fund_for_supportIn 2014, the Fund for Support of exports of small business and entrepreneurship under the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan provided organizational, legal and financial assistance to 2399 entrepreneurs for promotion their goods and services to foreign markets.

As a result, contracts totaling $ 1.25 billion were concluded. In addition, 699 business entities implemented the export of goods and service a total worth of $ 842.1 million.

During 2014 1,774 entrepreneurs have received assistance for the study of foreign markets, including 140 – to find a foreign partner, 271entrepreneur granted legal, organizational and financial support for participation in overseas exhibitions, trade fairs, international tenders, as well as in obtaining international certificates , permits and customs clearance services. In addition, 327 entrepreneurs assisted in the preparation of export contracts, setting them on account of the authorized bodies, 27 entrepreneurs obtained insurance policies for export contracts.

Currently, the fund jointly with the Japanese Organization JETRO is considering the issue of participation of food producers of the republic at the international exhibition «FoodEx Japan-2015″, that will be organized in March of this year in Japan.

We would like to add that the fund is actively working on establishing international cooperation with foreign trade organizations. Systematically being conducted regular meetings, business forums and cooperation exchanges with business communities of foreign countries. At these events 21 memorandums of understanding and a number of agreements of intent on exports and attracting investments in the country totaling $ 75 million were signed.