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August 5, 2015

Further tasks defined

Further_tasksCentral Council of Public Youth Movement “Kamolot” summarizing activities in the first half of 2015.

Chairman of the Central Council of ODM “Kamolot” B.Ganiev and others noted that under the leadership of the President of our country focuses on education physically, intellectually and spiritually developed generation with independent thinking and high potential.

In the first half of this year the movement organized many events, which were attended by more than 7.1 million boys and girls. In accordance with the State Program “Year of attention and care for the senior generation”, and a program of additional measures for the implementation in Uzbekistan of state youth policy in 2015, festivals, meetings, events, seminars, talks of the round table, and competitions other projects.

Youth festival under the motto “We are the children of a great country!” held in all the regions in connection with the 24th anniversary of the independence of our homeland, gathered about 700 thousand boys and girls. In the framework of the festival over a hundred of social and political, spiritual and educational, sports and medical subjects were held, during which the youth has further expanded its political and legal knowledge and enhance spiritual level.

The project “Veterans – our honor” and “My filial duty” patronage youth group visited approximately 9,000 veterans of war and labor front, lonely elderly, helped them in housework.

For the purpose of vocational guidance and the formation of entrepreneurial skills of graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions competition “My business idea” was organized. 386 projects of contest participants recommended for lending to release for this purpose a total of 3 billion 980 million soums.

An important role in attracting students to useful work during the summer holidays played youth labor movement “Bunyodkor – 2015”.

Students also organized the festival, which was held in the framework of the scientific-practical conference “Problems of education of harmoniously developed generation in Uzbekistan”, round table on the topic “The role of youth in the development of domain UZ”, a meeting of the discussion club “Munozara” and worked out proposals to address the existing problems.

Republican competitions like open tournament “Checkerboard of “Kamolot” and other projects, carried out by movement of gifted youth “Yurt kelajagi”, contribute to the identification of young talent.

At the event extensively discussed execution of the Program of additional measures for the implementation in Uzbekistan of state youth policy in 2015, defined further tasks in this direction.
