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April 5, 2017



The 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the functional body of ECOSOC, has completed its work in New York.

Participants of the session were presented with an interactive map “Women in politics in 2017”, which demonstrates the proportion of women in the executive and legislative branches of power in countries of the world. It turned out that only 17 women are among the heads of state or government. The share of female parliamentarians is on average 23% across the planet, and ministers – 18%.

The authors of the map noted that, compared to last year, the number of women among the heads of state and government has decreased from 19 to 17, but when compared with the figures of a decade ago, progress is obvious.

Addressing experts, politicians and representatives of civil society, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for the improvement of the situation and the empowerment of women in all spheres of activity.

Uzbekistan was represented at the session by Deputy Chairperson of the Women’s Committee of the country Shoira Nurmatova. She acquainted with the employment of women in the republic. Speaking about their share in the employment structure, which increased to 44%, Nurmatova stressed the significant growth in their participation in small business. Today, 35% of business entities are created and headed by them. In the structure of total employment in Uzbekistan, women prevail in such spheres as healthcare and sports (82%), education, culture, art and science (72%), trade and public catering (54%).

They are also represented in the branches of agriculture (46%), finance and insurance (41%), manufacturing industry (39%), services (37%), transport and communications (11%), construction (8%) and other sectors of economy.

In general, there are 732 women ministers in the world. Women receive less reward for equal work with men. In the world, their wages are 77% of the average earnings of men. The International Labor Organization experts believe that if the existing trends continue, women will be able to achieve the same pay with men only in 70 years from now.