III National Information Library Week «INFOLIB-2014″

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October 25, 2014

III National Information Library Week «INFOLIB-2014″

national-InformationOctober 27-31, 2014, the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi held III National Information Library Week «INFOLIB-2014″.

The main objective of the week is to strengthen among young people desire and interest to self-provide information and detailed introduction to its new published socio-political, scientific, educational, educational-fiction literature, increasing the level of information culture and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Republic, popularize reading, increase the capacity of the Internet in library-services for users, development and implementation of innovative and modern educational technology, improving the social and cultural role of libraries in the organization of services to various categories of the population.

During the week it has been planning to conduct professional activities (seminars, round tables, presentations), book exhibitions, open views of the new literature, the Book Fair publishers and booksellers, organizations, meetings with writers, musicians, pop singers, artists, archaeologists, representatives of civil society, youth and international organizations, various workshops, literary competitions, as well as special activities for children and young people, and action movies from video fund of the National Library, etc.

For professionals of information and library services of the republic it has been also planning to organize a training workshop on the conservation and restoration of rare books and manuscripts, presentation of new projects of the National Library, as well as regular thematic tours in the library.
