ILO Director-General: Execution of obligations by Uzbekistan is a good example for other countries

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June 13, 2016

ILO Director-General: Execution of obligations by Uzbekistan is a good example for other countries


From May 30 to June 10 Geneva (Switzerland) hosted 105th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC), which was attended by more than 5000 representatives of governments, employers, workers from 187 Member states of the International Labour Organization (ILO), as well as several international organizations.

ILC is the supreme body of the ILO. At its annual session, they adopt international labor standards, discuss global social and labor issues, determine overall policy of organization.

At the opening session of 105th session of the International Labour Conference the ILO Director-General Guy Ryder drew attention to the importance of issue of social justice and revision of state of affairs in this area. Presenting his report to the conference “The initiative to eradicate poverty: ILO Action Plan up to 2030”, the head of organization said that well-being, which is designed to provide a comfortable life, may also hinder rather than contribute to the achievement of social justice.

Uzbekistan was represented at the meeting by a delegation comprising the leaders of Ministry of Labour, Federation Council of Trade Unions (CFP) and Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).

At the plenary sessions of ILC Uzbek delegation members informed the participants about employment, especially of young people, creation of new jobs, implementation of a strong social policy at all levels, development of social partnership, as well as about implementation of fundamental principles and rights at work in collaboration with ILO.

During the event, the leaders of Council of Federation of Trade Unions and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan took part in the meetings of groups on issues of decent work and social justice.

Along with this, the delegation hosted bilateral meetings with the heads and experts of the International Labour Office, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), International Organization of Employers (IOE), delegations of USA, Russia and other countries to discuss issues of cooperation in the sphere of labor.

ILO Director General Guy Ryder praised the current level of cooperation with Uzbekistan organization. He emphasized that country demonstrates a high commitment to implementation of commitments made in the framework of ratified ILO Conventions, and its work in this area can serve as a good example for other countries.

It was noted that results of fruitful cooperation demonstrated significant progress in the sphere of implementation of international labor standards. In this process entry of Federation of Trade Unions and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan into ITUC and IOE respectively, is of the utmost importance.

As G.Rayder stressed, ILO will continue to support Uzbekistan’s efforts in implementation of the basic principles at work, solving problems related to formation and introduction of new areas of work to ensure that employment and social protection of population.

In general, the parties positively evaluated the progress of the Country program of ILO on decent work in Uzbekistan, including the practice of the organization of roundtables and conferences on topical issues in implementation of labor standards, a joint review of working conditions in agricultural sector, as well as cooperation of Uzbek side with  ITUC and IOE.