In Namangan all polyclinics were switched to electronic outpatient cards

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November 8, 2017

In Namangan all polyclinics were switched to electronic outpatient cards

In all 13 family polyclinics in Namangan, “Electronic polyclinic” information systems have been introduced.

This system, which allows to improve the work of the sphere at the level of the requirements of the time, was implemented with the cooperation of the center “Uzmedinfo” under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the regional health department in 13 outpatient clinics in Namangan. They are equipped with computer equipment and connected to a local network.

“An automated information system that works online was the first among the regions to be involved in family clinics in Namangan,” said N.Sotvoldiev, representative of the “Uzmedinfo” center. – The system “Electronic polyclinic” is designed to create amenities for the public.

According to the program, all medical cards opened for residents of mahallas that serve polyclinics in the form of an international classification of diseases are included in the electronic base of the corporate system of the Ministry of Health. In other words, if it is necessary to receive medical care, the patient, while in another area or city, can apply to any institution of their primary health care. His medical card will be in the computers of all family polyclinics in the country.

“This system is convenient in all respects,” says A.Hamidjonov, the chief expert on ICT of the regional health department. – Now patients do not have to go to polyclinics and stand in lines. Through the Internet they can find out the schedule of the doctor’s work and make an appointment.

Information about the diagnosis, delivered by the doctor during the reception, is automatically entered into the database of reports. Through the system, citizens can express their gratitude to doctors and nurses, express their suggestions and opinions regarding their activities. Another important point – the analysis of appeals received in the “Electronic polyclinic”, wishes, as well as gratitude or complaint, will help to fairly assess the results of the activities of doctors and average medical workers.
At the next stage, the “Electronic polyclinic” system will be installed in the regional multi-profile central polyclinics. Then it will cover rural family clinics. So, in the next few days such modern services will be provided to residents of Naryn, Mingbulak, Chartak and Yangikurgan districts.