In the I half Fund for Support of Export has supported 1146 entrepreneurs

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July 16, 2015

In the I half Fund for Support of Export has supported 1146 entrepreneurs


I_half_FundIn the first half of this year, the Fund for support of export of small business and entrepreneurship at the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan provided organizational, legal and financial services for the export of products and services to businesses in 1482.

According to the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan, consequently 416 entrepreneurs were able to export products and services totaling 512 million USD. However, only in June exported goods and services amounted to more than 110 millon USD.

In the I half of the Fund practical assistance to entrepreneurs in 1146 to study foreign markets, 80 of them – in the search for reliable partners abroad.

In addition, 220 businesses based on the requirements of the legislation of foreign countries to provide the necessary services on participation in international exhibitions and trade fairs abroad and tenders, obtaining certificates, licenses and permits, as well as customs clearance.

It should also be noted that 116 entrepreneurs received practical and legal assistance in the preparation of export contracts, their registration in the relevant state bodies, provided they guarantee the protection of export products through the insurance policy.

In addition, the partnership established between the foreign shopping centers and local businesses, as a result of signed export agreements worth a total of more than 300 millon USD.

During the reporting period with help of the Foundation 95 entrepreneurs participated in various international exhibitions and fairs.

To date, the Foundation is working to organize the participation of 37 entrepreneurs in the international food exhibition in the Chinese city of Urumqi (China), which will be held on July 23-27 this year.