In year 2018, average monthly salary in Tashkent to amount to 3 million soms

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February 5, 2018

In year 2018, average monthly salary in Tashkent to amount to 3 million soms

Last year, the average monthly salary in the capital city was 2 million 818 thousand soms, and the average monthly pension was 692 thousand soms.

These figures were given in the 2012-2017 main results of Tashkent city’s socio-economic development and forecast indicators for the year 2018.

According to initial prognosis, the average monthly salary this year will amount to 3 million 96 thousand soms, and the average monthly pension will exceed 805 thousand soms.

The document notes that since the year 2012, monthly salaries have increased three-fold, and monthly pensions have grown two-fold.