Independence and Responsibility

“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

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April 19, 2016

Independence and Responsibility


“The Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On additional measures on the improvement of activities of the Government administration bodies on the ground in the complex development of territories” adopted late February this year, is an important legal act aimed at expanding the role and responsibility of local bodies of executive power in the solution of the pressing regional problems.

“This document considerably expands the independence, powers and accountability of these bodies in ensuring the growth of the population’s level and quality of life.

“In particular, the structure of regional administrations and the municipality of Tashkent set up consolidated management departments, while district and other municipal administrations – sections on the comprehensive development of their respective territories. They report directly to mayors and governors. Thus, a clear cut reporting line of executive power is built up in the center and on the ground.

“These sub-divisions will carry out the analyses of economic and social development of their respective territories; reveal existing disproportions, reserves and resource, labor and production potentials not involved in the manufacturing process. On this basis they will be able to elaborate current and mid-term programs of comprehensive advancement of territories, deepening structural transformations and diversification of economy.

“A number of the most important tasks facing them are linked with ensuring the growth of the level and quality of life, development of social infrastructure, improvement of housing conditions, perfection of medical, educational and socio-cultural services to the population”.

“For example, the rates and scales of housing construction keep growing up on an annual basis in the country. The total housing area has increased 1.9 times during the years of independence. Moreover, practically the entire stock of housing is in the private hands, while even in many economically advanced countries more than half of families live in rented apartments. The State program of construction of individual housing according to model designs in rural areas is being successfully implemented. More than 11 thousand houses were built within its framework in 2015 alone. New structures will actively join the complex solution of these important questions.

“There is yet another issue, which the Resolution pays special attention to, related to securing the employment of the population. The newly set up sub-divisions will get engaged in the deep study of demographic processes and the regions’ population structure and the level of its employment.  They will work on advancing proposals on this basis on ensuring the employment of the population, especially the youth, on account of optimal distribution of productive forces and creation of new work places.

“Members of the Commission of the Lower Chamber of Parliament on the issues of industry, civil engineering and trade identified their tasks stemming from the Resolutions. These include, in the first place, timely introduction of alterations and amendments into legislation, bringing departmental normative-legal acts in line with them, carrying out parliamentary control over the realization of set targets in the sphere of securing the territories’ comprehensive development.”


Klara Jumamuratova,

Member of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis