India hosted a business forum on “New opportunities for Indian business in Uzbekistan – India Free Pharmaceutical Zone in Andijan region” in the city of Ahmedabad of the state of Gujarat.
The event was held by the Khokimiyat of Andijan region and the Embassy of Uzbekistan in India, together with the Indian Drug Manufacturers’ Association. It was attended by representatives of leading pharmaceutical companies in India.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to India F.Arziyev and the Deputy Khokim of Andijan region S.Khabibullayev informed about new investment opportunities created in Uzbekistan, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. Particular emphasis was placed on the investment potential of Andijan region.
Presentation of the created favorable conditions for doing business in the free pharmaceutical zone was held at the forum. Participants of the event noted that Uzbekistan – India Free Pharmaceutical Zone will serve to further expand investment cooperation between the two countries.