Information about activities of «Qizilqumsement» JSC

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December 17, 2015

Information about activities of «Qizilqumsement» JSC

Distinguished Investors!

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 28.04.2015 №2340 «On increase of share and value of private property in economics» there is envisaged a realization of 35,9 % of state shares portfolio in  authorized capital of joint-stock  company «Qizilqumsement»  to strategic foreign investors.

«Qizilqumsement» JSC is located not far from Navoi city, Uzbekistan. The enterprise was launched in 1977, and at the present moment  it is the largest cement plant on the territory of Uzbekistan.

Estimated output of the plant amounts more than three million tons of cement per year. The enterprise has its own raw material base of limestone,  shale-rock and diabase-pyroxenite deposits, which are located in few kilometers from the plant. Shale-rock, limestone and diabase-pyroxenite are transported from quarries to crushing plant by large dump trucks. After crushing process shale-rock, limestone and diabase-pyroxenite are transported directly to the plant by special belt conveyor.

In 70-ties at the enterprise were commissioned two processing lines with rotary kilns. In 1989 was launched the third line, provided by rotary kiln with bigger diameter and equipped by decarbonizer reactor.  Productive capacity of each kiln is approximately three thousand tons of clinker per day. Raw material workshop is equipped by eight raw material mills with diameter 4.2 m and length 1.0 m with air-pass separators, “Crushing” workshop is equipped by seven clinker-grinding mills with a diameter of 4.0 m and length 13.5 m.

The following construction materials are produced at the enterprise:

  • Portlandcement GOST 10178-85;
  • Sulfate-resistant portlandcement RST Uz 22266-94;
  • Oil-well portlandcement – GOST-15.81-96;
  • Construction gravel – GOST 8267-97;
  • Concrete stones for wall construction – GOST 6133-99;
  • Cement blocks for step basements RST Uz 778-97;
  • Concrete flagstones RST Uz 712-96.
  • Construction lime – GOST 9179-77

At the enterprise has been implemented quality management system in accordance with the requirements of international standard
ИСО-9001:2000, which is certified by RWTUV
№ 04100 20050368.

In 2001 at the plant was set up the production of oil-well cement, which is used for construction of oil-gas wells. At the enterprise has been implemented quality management system, fully conforming the requirements of international standards, which is confirmed by appropriate certificate.

The company has stabile operation with profits and increasing its production volumes year by year. At the same time, it is planned to enhance cement production in Uzbekistan up to 8,9 million tons by year 2020, by the way of increasing annual production by 3,5%. Cement production specifications have been adopted by the Program of measures on provision of structural reforms, upgrading and diversification of industrial capacities at “Qizilqumsement” JSC, worth of $30,7 mln.

From year to year production output of “Qizilqumsement” JSC is growing, from 2010 to 2014 production volume had increased more than in 1,1 times. The company has stabile and profitable operation. In year 2015 at “Qizilqumsement” is foreseen receipt of total revenue (net revenue) in an amount of 753,3 billions UZS, net profit in amount of 60,0 billion UZS.

Distinguished Investors!

In the Republic of Uzbekistan there are provided a lot of tax concessions and preferences  for foreign investors. The funds, Invested by You, will bring You profits and will serve as a contribution for modernization and development of “Qizilqumsement” JSC.

If you have any questions you can contact the National Committee of  Competition of the Republic of Uzbekistan by phones (371)2592023, 2592138, web-site: or the company “Qizilqumsement” JSC by the phones  +99879 223-42-71, email:, web-site: