“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

January 18, 2017



Tashkent is hosting a traditional workshop on the amendments and addenda to the tax legislation in 2017.

Creation of favorable conditions for businesses, provision of tax breaks and enhancement of effectiveness of tax administration have been preserved for 2017 as major trends in the national economy.

The terms of previously established privileges have been extended, and  additional benefits and preferences were introduced in accordance with the Law ‘On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of Uzbekistan due to adoption of main thrusts of tax and budget policy for 2017’, the Presidential Resolution ‘On forecasting main macroeconomic indicators and parameters of the Government Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017’, which were approved in late 2016, as well as several other taxpayer-related resolutions and decrees.

For example, the relief from income tax and single tax payment has been provided to the legal entities who render services in 12 types of activities: 4 types of activities throughout the country, and 8 types in rural areas by January 1, 2020.

Tax benefits for software developers under the National Register and automotive industry have been extended till the same date. Tax incentives for media and publishing house editorials have been extended until 1 January 2019.

The abolition from 1 January 2017 of all types of unscheduled audits to business entities is an important incentive for small businesses. However, the liquidation-related inspections have been preserved and are carried out at the request of a legal entity. From now and on, the short-term audits, or those that last no more than 8 hours, can be applicable exclusively by a decision of the National Council on Coordination of Performance of Supervising Bodies on the basis of appeals of individuals and legal entities on the facts of law infringement.

Now, with respect to business entities and their employees, the first-time offenders of financial and economic activity are not subject to financial sanctions and fines if their actions do not cause harm to health and life of citizens, if they voluntarily remedy a violation and compensate the property damage in the established order and terms, including payment of taxes and other obligatory payments.

It is also established that a first-time offender engaged in illegal business is exempt from civil and criminal liability if he or she voluntarily reimburses the damage, gets registered as a business entity, as well as processes all the necessary permits within one month from the date of disclosure of the offense.