International Avicenna Prize will be awarded in Bukhara

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May 27, 2015

International Avicenna Prize will be awarded in Bukhara

The National Academy of Medicine of France held its founding meeting of the International Jury of the prize named after Avicenna.


The event was attended by representatives of the Association “The program« MED21 », the Association” Avicenna-France “, the National Academy of Medicine, as well as the French expert and academic circles.

Speaking at the opening, President of the Association “The program “MED21” Professor Mohammed Aziz said that the main purpose of the establishment of the International Avicenna Prize is to promote scientific and humanistic heritage of the great scientist and thinker, a native of Bukhara Abu Ali Ibn Sina in medicine, philosophy and culture in the world scale, and the development of academic and scientific exchanges, dialogue between cultures and civilizations.

Our information: “The program “MED21” – a network of scientific, cultural and educational institutions in France and the Mediterranean region. The main objective of the Association is to promote Islamic and Mediterranean culture on a global scale, the expansion of international cooperation in the economic, social, cultural, educational and scientific fields. One of the activities is the establishment and awarding the international prize named after outstanding scientists of different times and peoples. Prize Winner fr om among the state, public and scientific figures from around the world are determined by a jury specially created.


President of the Association “Avicenna-France” Professor Mark Bonnell said that established an international prize winners of the Avicenna can be sel ected by prominent members of the international scientific community, professionals and experts in the field of medicine, contributing to the study and promotion of scientific and humanistic ideas of Avicenna.

French expert presented to the jury nominees winners of the first prize of the International Avicenna. It should be noted that, in accordance with the rules, one of the candidates must be European, 1 – Mediterranean countries, 2 – the countries of Central Asia).

As you know, this year marks 1035 years since the birth of our great ancestor, in this connection on November 20-21 will be held in Bukhara VIII Avitsennovskie reading – International scientific-practical conference on “Medical heritage of Ibn Sina and actual problems of modern medicine” and the first international prizes will be awarded Avicenna in the course of these activities.


During the meeting, also held a colloquium at which reports on scientific, humanistic and medical heritage of Abu Ali Ibn Sina were prominent French scientists.

So, Honorary Secretary General of the French National Academy of Medicine Raymond Ardayllou noted that French medicine recognizes Avicenna as a founding father of clinical medicine, whose observations and conclusions remain valid today. This is especially true he described the clinical signs of diabetes, stomach ulcers, a variety of other diseases.

– It is noteworthy that in the Paris region functioning hospital Avicenna, and in the library of the National Medical Academy kept his works in Arabic and Latin, – he said. – Avicenna was also a philosopher who revived the works of Aristotle and inspired medieval European philosophy. History teaches us that the X and XI century was a time of active communication between physicians in Europe and Asia. “Canon of Medicine” remained the basic tool Medical School in France until the XVII century.

President of the Association “Avicenna-France” Professor Mark Bonnell stressed that Uzbekistan is the birthplace of the great thinkers of the Middle Ages, scholars such as al-Khwarizmi, al-Biruni, al-Bukhari, al-Farabi, Ulugbek and others who have made their invaluable contribution the development of world civilization.

– A special place in this series takes Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the great genius of creative thought, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of all mankind – said on.- Most of his scientific works devoted to medicine and philosophy, as well as logic, chemistry, physics , astronomy, mathematics, music, literature and linguistics. The modern world medicine is based on the discoveries of Abu Ali Ibn Sina. For more than a thousand years, his name is a symbol that unites peoples of the East and the West in order to achieve the most noble goals.

Popularization of scientific heritage Avicenna was the International Conference “Historical heritage scholars and thinkers of the medieval East, its role and significance for modern civilization”, held on May 15-16, 2014 in Samarkand.

As part of the founding meeting, the participants also visited the library of the National Medical Academy of France, wh ere they got acquainted with the works of Avicenna stored there. Here, neither was able to see the publication of “Canon of medical science” translated into Latin G. de Cremona (A.Rush, Strasbourg, 1473), as well as the manuscript of “Canon” in the Arabic language fr om the collection Sh.Daremberg.