“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

July 1, 2017



Tanotrade AG company of Switzerland intends to build an electrical plant Nukuselektroapparat in Nukus.

The total cost of the project, which is scheduled for completion late this August, makes up $8 million. Toshelektroapparat will partner the project from the Uzbek side. The Swiss side will invest about 80% of the investment needed to start the enterprise, and the local partner – 20%.

In September, it is planned to launch the production of modern energy-saving equipment with further expansion of the range of products and localization of a part of the components.

The head of our state granted the new enterprise with a broad list of customs privileges. In particular, it is exempted from customs payments for the construction materials needed for the construction of the plant. In addition, Nukuselektroapparat was released from customs payments for equipment, raw materials, materials and components imported for the production of finished products, by 2024.