Investor from Singapore

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June 8, 2018

Investor from Singapore

Khokim of Syrdarya region G.Mirzayev received the representative of one of the leading companies of Asia – Singapore holding company “Indorama” Deepak Raina.

Deepak Raina noted that he was pleased with conditions and privileges created for foreign investors in Syrdarya region. In particular, he emphasized that the region has ample opportunities for production, processing and export of agricultural products. He expressed the opinion that he intends to create a cotton cluster and cotton processing enterprises here.

Indorama holding company was established in 1975 under the foundation of the Indonesian company Indo-Rama Synthetics. At present, Indorama produces polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester, mineral fertilizers, textile products and medical gloves.

Khokim of the region G.Mirzayev supported the idea of a foreign entrepreneur and forwarded a proposal to allocate a land in Akaltyn and Sardob districts.

On the same day, Deepak Raina visited these districts, studied the proposed territories, met with khokims of districts.