JSC “Uzbekenergo” is taking the necessary measures for sustainable operation of energy enterprises, implementation of forecast parameters of production activity in 2016.
In order to achieve sustainable economic growth and stable operation of the electricity industry JSC “Uzbekenergo” has developed a set of measures designed to reduce manufacturing costs. The reduction of production costs for the first 9 months of this year amounted to 101.4%.
Over the past period, the enterprises operating within “Uzbekenergo” have provided the forecast of production activity. The volume of production in the industry made up 100.2%. Some 35 billion kWh of electricity was supplied, 5.1 million Gcal of heat energy was delivered.
The production of localized products based on local raw materials made up 146.1%.
The reduction of imports through localization of imported production and expansion of inter-sector industrial cooperation made up 102.2%.
In the framework of the Presidential Decree “On Programme of measures to reduce energy consumption, implement energy saving technologies in industries and the social sector for 2015-2019 years”, during 9 months JSC “Uzbekenergo” saved 283,2 million cubic meters of natural gas, 178,7 million kWh of electric energy, 42.6 thousand Gcal of heat energy and 219,8 tons of oil products.
Services were provided under servicing networks and conducting the design, construction and installation works.
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Investment Programme of Uzbekistan for 2016” provides for the implementation of 23 major investment projects on creation of new, modernization and reconstruction of existing facilities. In the current year, it is planned to commission 5 projects.
As of today, working commission acts have been prepared under 4 investment projects, where all the work has been completed.
In order to timely prepare the power system for the upcoming autumn – winter period, JSC “Uzbekenergo” has developed and approved industry events, schedules of repairs of major equipment, has formed a Commission for coordination of works on the preparation of power plants and networks to work in winter conditions. The envisaged works are nearing completion.
The expenditure towards the implementation of Branch program “Year of a healthy mother and child” for 9 months of 2016 made up 37 billion soums, or 116% against the forecast.