“Investment portal of Uzbekistan”

Citizens of 76 countries will be able to get an electronic visa to Uzbekistan (List)

Uzbekistan announces visa waiver for citizens of 45 countries (List)

Important Visa Information for Indian Citizens Travelling to Uzbekistan

February 19, 2016


“Kokand Mechanical Plant” was established in 1933 on the basis of the central mechanical workshop, which makes repair of drilling and refining equipment.

By order of the State Property Committee of Uzbekistan with the № 2594/031-2 from 20.04.1994 plant was renamed into Open Joint Stock Company “Kokand Mechanical Plant” (OJSC “KMP”).
Since October 2014 was renamed JSC “Kokand Mechanical Plant”.
Plant focused on service for manufacturing oil and gas.

Field of activity .

Manufacturing spare parts diversity of metal ware, non-standard equipment, vessels under pressure for oil-gas and other fields.


– 5-50 m3 vessels, non-standard equipment working under pressure
– Automobile and domestic gas vessel (condensed gas, propane)
– Reservoir for oil and gas products working under pressure and variety of metalware
– Spare parts for drilling and other oil-field equipment

Provided services 

– Production of various types of dies and molds;
– Control of geometrical parameters of vessels;
– Test vessels working under pressure;
– Production of metal ware and non-standard equipment;

Our main customers

NHC «Uzbekneftegaz», JSC «U ztransgaz», «Uzkimyosanoat», «Uzpaxtasanoat», JSC «Uzdonmaxsulot», JSC «Uzspirtsanoat», «Uzbekistonoziq-ovqatsanoati»

Our website is http://kmz.uz.