Law “On labor protection” to get approval in new edition

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January 11, 2016

Law “On labor protection” to get approval in new edition


January 7 saw a regular session of the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the course of the session, the deputies reviewed the draft law “On labor protection” in a new edition.

During the session it was noted that large-scale reforms implemented in the country on the initiative of our President are aimed at improving the human factor in society, strengthening its interests. Measures taken by the government on the creation of decent work, the improvement of its legal frameworks are important in protecting the rights and interests of the population that is an integral part of processes of democratization and modernization of the society, initiated by the head of state.

More than 22 years have passed since the adoption of the current law. A number of legal acts, regulating the issues of labor protection, establishing the modern requirements in this sphere have been adopted over the past years. The purpose of the document is to bring the law into conformity with the requirements of the new adopted laws and other legal acts, increase employer liability and workers ‘ organizations on the implementation of labor protection requirements, defining the functions of special authorized state body and other state administration bodies for ensuring proper control of conditions and labor protection.

The bill is aimed at improving the existing regulatory framework on labor protection with regard to generally recognized principles and norms of international law, conventions and recommendations of the International labor organization in the sphere of protection and safety, an experience of more than 20 foreign countries, including EU countries, Japan, South Korea other countries.

Deputies noted the importance of this bill in the development of topical issues in the sphere of labor protection.

—A systematic work on economic liberalization, introduction of market management mechanisms, the establishment of a favorable business climate in the country have been carried out in the Republic over the years. As a result, the number of employers, especially in the private sector has significantly increased, the share of small business and private entrepreneurship in gross domestic product currently is more than 56 per cent and now this area employs more than 77 percent of the employed population. — said a member of the fraction of the Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan K. Jumamuratova. — Given that the electorate of the liberal democratic party is mainly comprised of entrepreneurs and farmers who are employers, it is important for our fraction to review the current Law “On labor protection”, which in turn will strengthen the social responsibility as of employer, so of responsible workers on the execution of labor protection requirements.

— The draft law has been comprehensively reviewed at the meeting of our parliamentary group — said a member of the Democratic party of Uzbekistan “Milliy Tiklanish” F.Ibragimova. — Labor legislation and labor protection are one of the most important areas, ensuring the development of the society. Given the current transformation under way in the industrial sector, in the field of crafts, contemporary trends in the labor market, further improvement of legal foundations of the field is required.

This bill plays an important role in safeguarding the legitimate interests of workers, further improvement and ensuring the normal working conditions, the prevention of violations of labor legislation.

During the discussion, the members of the faction noted that the draft of the law specified the functions and tasks of the specially authorized state body and other bodies monitoring the observance of labor conditions.

This bill helps to prevent and reduce accidents at work and occupational diseases that will lead to greater social protection of workers, including minors that certainly meet the interests of the electorate of PDPU.

— The draft law “On labor protection” in the new edition has been  worked out with regard to international requirements in the field of occupational safety and study of foreign experience, – says a member of the Social democratic party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” U. Samatov. — The draft law provides for the norms establishing the procedure for increasing the responsibility of individuals to ensure labor protection, the order of conducting of state expertise over labor protection, rights and duties of employer and employees. The adoption of this law will ensure the proper organization of labor protection and safety in enterprises that will create conditions for the employer and for the employee to fulfill the requirements on labor protection without further intervention of the bodies of state supervision and control.

Faction members conceptually supported the adoption of the bill in the first reading.