A round table discussion on “The right to receive education in the sphere of human rights: international standards and national practice” was held in Namangan.
The event, organized by the National Centre for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the Project Coordinator of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Uzbekistan, was attended by representatives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ministries of Justice, Interior Affairs, government agencies of Namangan, Andijan and Fergana regions, law enforcement bodies, journalists, members of the regional councils of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan.
In our country, consistent measures are being implemented on improvement of the legal culture of the population, introducing modern mechanisms for implementation of legal propaganda, ensuring the widespread use of information, informing the executors and the population about the essence and significance of legislative acts. An important guide to action in this direction is the resolution of the President of our country “On measures of radically improving the system of distribution of legislative acts” of February 8, 2017.
Participants of the round table discussion were interested in reports on fulfillment by the Republic of Uzbekistan of international obligations on receiving education in the sphere of human rights, the experience of France in setting up human rights education for law enforcement personnel, protecting human rights in OSCE activities, ensuring democracy and the rule of law, constitutional and legal foundations of formation of the national educational system in the sphere of human rights, the role of human rights education in crime prevention, activities and objectives of the prosecutor’s offices on receiving education in the sphere of human rights.
Participants got acquainted with the activity of public receptions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Namangan region, the supporting point No.53 of department of internal affairs of the city of Namangan on prevention of crime and delinquency.