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November 1, 2016



The Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan held its regular meeting on October 28.

Interim President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoev attended the meeting.

The deputies considered the draft State budget of Uzbekistan and budgets of state targeted funds and major directions of tax and budget policy for 2017. First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan — Minister of Finance R. Azimov made a report on this issue.

The main financial document envisages further deepening of economic reforms by reducing the share of state participation in the economy, a significant strengthening of the role of private property, ensuring reliable protection of business.

The draft State budget of Uzbekistan, budgets of state targeted funds for 2017 aimed at preserving the macroeconomic balance and sustainable economic growth, preventing unjustified growth of public debt, further growth of income and standard of living of the population, carrying out an active investment policy aimed at deep structural reforms and the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure, as well as at the improvement of interbudget relations, raising the revenue base of regions and cost optimization of local budgets.

The main directions of tax and budget policy provides for a further reduction of the tax burden, simplifying taxation and improving tax administration, further raising the wages of employees of budget organizations, pensions, allowances and scholarships, implementation of measures aimed at improving the planning of budgetary funds, efficiency of their use and the improvement of intergovernmental relations.

According to deputies, the main directions of fiscal policy, the main macroeconomic indicators of the next year include a GDP growth at 7.8%, industrial production –6.9%, agricultural production – 6.2%, volume of investments – 9.6%.

Representatives of all factions of political parties and Deputy group from Ecological movement of Uzbekistan expressed their opinions on the draft State budget for 2017. They noted the importance of timely and full financing of programs of development of the most important sectors of the economy, education, health, science, culture and other spheres of public life.

— The members of our group focused particular attention on the fact that the draft Budget message for 2017 envisages further reduction of the tax burden, simplifying the tax system and improving tax administration, —the member of the faction of Movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan E. Holbutaev said. In particular, in the coming year, we will decrease the tax burden on the economy from 20.2% this year to 18.9% of gross domestic product.

In 2017 it is planned to extend certain benefits, which expire next year, in order to further the development of priority sectors of the economy. This, in turn, will allow entrepreneurs to save some 500 billion soums, which will be channeled towards replenishment of their working capital, modernization and technological re-equipment of production.

— Budget message for the year 2017 is based on the new approaches, in-depth analysis. It is worth noting that this document includes all goals and priorities set out in the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted in recent years —the member of the Democratic party of Uzbekistan “Milly Tiklanish” D. Jalilova said. — Expenditure on the maintenance of cultural institutions and sports events in the draft State budget for 2017 is envisaged to grow by 16.7%. At the same time to ensure careful preservation and further popularization of historical-architectural, social-cultural and tourist potential of the Republic, the State budget provides for allocating funds in the amount of 25.8 billion soums, which will be channeled towards financing the programs for the restoration and conservation work on the objects of cultural and archaeological heritage of our country. This contributes to careful preservation of historical, cultural and intellectual heritage of our people.

Another issue in the center of our attention is the annual increase in the share of State budget funds allocated towards social sphere,— the member of the faction from the People’s democratic party of Uzbekistan Sh.Tursunboev noted. He stressed that the raise in wages of employees of budget organizations, pensions, allowances and stipends in size, outstripping inflation, will further improve living standards of the population.

However, the representatives of the faction underlined proposals for the revision of workload in professional colleges and academic lyceums. The increase in workload will ensure the effectiveness of the educational process and rational use of teachers working time.

If in 2000, the total expenditures of the State budget funds allocated towards social sphere and social support of the population was 42.5%, in 2016, it is expected at the level of 59.5%, and in 2017 it is planned to increase this figure to 59.7%. In addition, the expenditure for the support for low-income families and social allowances to families with children in 2017 will reach the size of over 2.6 trillion. soums, which by 4 times exceeds the figure of 2008.

The members of the faction of the Social democratic party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” emphasized that the draft Budget for next year provides for the full involvement of the scientific and technical potential of the country. It is worth noting that the 13 percent increase in funding the science will facilitate research and development work in the framework of the state scientific-technical programs.

— We have paid particular attention to the importance of continuation of uninterrupted provision of population with drinking water, organic food, improvement of the meliorative condition of irrigated lands, rational use of water resources, and greening of settlements, —the head of Deputy group from Ecological movement of Uzbekistan B. Alikhanov added. During the discussion, the Deputy group from the Ecological movement of Uzbekistan made suggestions about the appropriateness of rational and efficient use of funds allocated from the State budget towards environmental protection, the solution of environmental problems and the strengthening of parliamentary control over their target use.

With regard to views expressed during the meeting, as well as received proposals, the legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis has approved the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and budgets of state targeted funds and major directions of tax and budget policy for 2017 and adopted a corresponding resolution.