A forum of teachers of primary education devoted to issues of raising the quality and effectiveness of educational processes has been held at Uzbek State University of World Languages jointly with the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.
The minister of public education, U.Inoyatov; the rector of Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Sh.Sharipov; the rector of Uzbek State University of World Languages, Sh.Qayumov; and others have said that a resolution dated 10 December 2012 by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov “On measures to further improve the system of learning foreign languages” sets out new requirements for teachers of primary education.
In accordance with the resolution, from the 2013-2014 academic year, the learning of foreign languages was initiated gradually at general education establishments, specifically the learning of the English language from the first grade, and the learning of the alphabet, reading and grammar from the second grade.
In line with the new state educational standards and educational programme for the first and second grades, sets of textbooks were created and published, specifically a textbook, a teacher’s book, a notebook for exercises and a DVD disc, which are provided free of charge. Sets of textbooks for foreign language learning for the 3-4 grades successfully passed tests.
For the teaching of foreign languages in the initial grades, 17222 study rooms of foreign languages were prepared and provided with DVD, educational-illustrative aid, dictionaries and literature. In the past few years, computers, projectors and materials for learning foreign languages for 5-9 grades were delivered, whereas this year more than 9 thousand foreign language study rooms will be equipped with technical means and appliances.
During the forum, it was noted that there was a need to raise the qualifications of foreign language teachers in this sphere, to develop foreign language fluency, to improve methods of teaching foreign languages at school, particularly in the initial grades.
Speeches were heard on a scientific-practical resolution of these tasks. Measures were mapped out to improve methods of teaching foreign languages.