Miniatures Magnified

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May 16, 2016

Miniatures Magnified


“I want my fairy tale to turn into your life story”, says artist Bahodir Yuldashev at the opening ceremony of his solo exhibition at the Tashkent House of Photography.

Nearly 70 paintings created over the past two years are on display in the three rooms. The exhibition’s title, “The Tale of Wanderings”, conveys the content of paintings very accurately. Walking from picture to picture, the visitors as if travel to magic lands, inhabited by characters of Oriental fairy tales. Almost each canvas depicts images of the beautiful peri, wandering dervishes and other heroes, inspired by poems of the Oriental poets. Each of them is unique. Some paintings reflect the features of the master, the others are endowed by traits of relatives and close friends.

Working with the miniature, Bahodir Yuldashev transferred to canvas the whole beauty of this genre, creating a unique style of painting.

“With his works, the artist invites the viewer to joint him in the journey into the world of fairy tales, mysteries and symbols. Delicate painting, bold solution of space, careful finishing of details, and graphically drawn patterns of ornaments and elements of calligraphy twin Bahodir Yuldashev’s works with classic examples of the traditional schools of miniatures, being another art in another time though,” commented the art critic Zuhra Ibragimova .

“My work is my little lyrical confession,” says Bahodir Yuldashev. “I’m inspired by life, poetry, literature, everything that surrounds me. I still enjoy reading fairy tales.”