Work is in progress in Fergana to build a small town called Mustaqillik (independence) in an area formerly occupied by the Furan Kimyo Birikmalari (chemical compounds) and Farghonagazapparat (Fergana gas appliances) plants. Construction work has been continuing in that area since the year 2013. More than 60 multi-storey buildings have been built and put into use there.
According to information from the chief of the constriction directorate of the Fergana town hokimiyat (mayor’s office), Fahriddin Qoraboyev, five 7-storey apartment houses and 20 4- and 5-storey houses are to be built this year.
The construction work is being done by builders of the Marghilon ihtisoslashtirilgan tamir-qurilish (Marghilon specialized repair – construction) and Hamkor obodon imkon (partner improvement possibility) enterprises.
The small town is beginning to look increasingly modern. Alongside residential buildings, medical and educational institutions, sports complexes and cultural and recreational facilities are also being built.